No Night So Dark: Part Three

Osek, photo: archive of Wels family
  • No Night So Dark: Part 3

We continue with the third episode of our serial No Night So Dark, in which we follow the story of a remarkable Czech Jewish family over five generations. In the previous episode, we travelled in time to the village of Osek in the 19th century and the world evoked by Šimon Wels in his memoir. We joined Šimon’s son Rudolf and his family in cosmopolitan Prague at the end of the 1930s, and we returned to the present day, to meet Rudolf’s grandson Colin, as he pieces together his family’s past.

In this episode we go back to the family’s roots in rural West Bohemia.

We hear Markéta Richterová, as Ida Wels, Oliver Paul Dubsky as Martin Wels, Alex Went as Rudolf Wels, Gordon Truefitt as Šimon Wels, Ruth Fraňková as Josefína Löwy, Dominik Jůn as Tomáš Wels, Stephen Weeks as Count Caspar Sternberg, Katrin Bock as Frau Lederkremp, and Colin Wels, Gerry Turner and David Vaughan as themselves.

The series was written by David Vaughan, edited by Jiří Matějček. We’ll be continuing with Part Four next week.