No Night So Dark: Part Four

Rudolf Wels as a child, photo: archive of Wels family

Welcome to Part Four of our serial No Night So Dark, telling the remarkable story of five generations of the Wels family.  Last week we visited the village of Osek and met the courageous Josefína, who undertook an epic journey on foot in 1838, so she could marry the man she loved.  With Josefína’s great-great-grandson Colin, we went back to the village over 150 years later. We also heard the dramatic story of how Colin’s father Tomáš smuggled himself out of Prague in 1939.  

In this episode we go back to the village of Osek at the time when Colin’s grandfather the architect Rudolf Wels was a child in the last years of the 19th century. But we start in wartime Prague.

We hear Alex Went as Rudolf Wels, Gordon Truefitt as Šimon Wels, Stephen Weeks as Mr Perrins, John Tregellas as Adolf Loos, Till Janzer as Alfred Grünewald, and Colin Wels, Gerry Turner and David Vaughan as themselves.  The series was written by David Vaughan, edited by Jiří Matějček.

You can hear Part Five next week.