No Night So Dark: Part One

Tom and Martin Wels, photo: archive of Wels family

This seven-part serial explores a family’s search for its own past, a past that was all but lost in the storm of 20th century history. There is drama and tragedy, but also humour and romance, as we travel through time and space, piecing together 150 years in the life of a remarkable Czech family. 

Rudolf and Martin Wels in Letná Park,  photo: archive of Wels family

The podcast No Night So Dark is a drama, but not a fiction. Those who are alive today speak for themselves. Those who are not speak through actors, but we hear their words as they were written or spoken.  In Part 1, we meet the Wels family in Prague, a few weeks after the outbreak of World War Two, and then we travel forward in time eighty years, to the present day and the English city of Oxford.

Part 1 features Markéta Richterová, as Ida Welsová, Oliver Paul Dubsky as Martin Wels, Alex Went as Rudolf Wels, and Colin Wels, Gerry Turner and David Vaughan as themselves.  The serial was written by David Vaughan. Sound editing is by Jiří Matějček.

We shall be continuing with Part Two next week. You can also subscribe to the serial as a podcast.

Author: David Vaughan
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  • No Night So Dark

    How a family rediscovered its past in defiance of those who tried to wipe out memory.