Už při studiu žurnalistiky na Univerzitě Karlově jsem poprvé začala docházet do Českého rozhlasu, a to jako externí redaktorka serveru iROZHLAS.cz. První zkušenosti jsem začala nabírat na konci roku 2019, což sebou následně přineslo mnoho směn z domova při covidové pandemii a speciální provoz redakce.
Během mého magisterského studia jsem vyjela na studijní pobyt Erasmus do dánského Aarhusu, kde jsem se věnovala videožurnalistice. Dokument All Inclusive, který jsem tam společně s mezinárodními studentkami vytvořila, dostal čestné ocenění festivalu SWIFF.
Po intenzivním půlroce práce s dokumentem jsem se rozhodla opustit online zpravodajství a směřovat k video tvorbě a publicistice. Náhoda mě přivedla jen o jedno patro výš, a to do Radio Prague International, kde nyní stojím za fotoaparátem, kamerou a střihem.
articles by the author
Simple and delicious potato pancakes
The bramborák, or potato pancake, can be eaten on its own as a quick snack or a delicious side for stew. And they are super easy to make! Here is how.
Kulajda: a rich and fragrant mushroom and dill soup
The "kulajda" is a rich, creamy, sour-sweet soup perfect for cold weather. Watch our video to find out how it is made.
Czech sausages: klobásy and taliány
Czech sausages come in a huge variety of different types. Every region, town, village, and sometimes even family has its own! Find out more about “klobásy” in our video!
My Homeland - symphonic poem to Czech nation
The seventh part of our video series on Czech Music Greats is devoted to the cycle of symphonic poems My Homeland by Bedřich Smetana.
Czech desserts and sweet pastries
Czechs have a sweet tooth, and you can find these typical pastries and desserts in every Czech patisserie. Find out what they are in the next episode of our video series!
Czechia's world-famous beer
With its rich colour, hoppy flavour, and an over 1000-year-long history, Czech lager is commonly regarded as one of the best in the world. Find out how it’s made here!
Explore the Karlovy Vary Region from the skies!
Join us on a trip to the Karlovy Vary Region - famed for its hot mineral springs, spa treatments and annual film festival. Our drone video will guide you!
Czechia’s delicious sourdough bread
Sourdough bread is something that most Czechs eat daily and that Czechs living abroad take home with them when they come to visit. How is it made? Find out in our video.
“Czech Bach” Jan Dismas Zelenka
The third part of our video series on Czech Music Greats is devoted to the work of Jan Dismas Zelenka, known as the “Czech Bach”.
Explore the Plzeň Region from the skies!
Join us on a trip to the Plzeň Region - the birthplace of Czech lager. Our drone video will guide you through wooded hills, stone castles and ruins from a bird's eye view.