Už při studiu žurnalistiky na Univerzitě Karlově jsem poprvé začala docházet do Českého rozhlasu, a to jako externí redaktorka serveru iROZHLAS.cz. První zkušenosti jsem začala nabírat na konci roku 2019, což sebou následně přineslo mnoho směn z domova při covidové pandemii a speciální provoz redakce.
Během mého magisterského studia jsem vyjela na studijní pobyt Erasmus do dánského Aarhusu, kde jsem se věnovala videožurnalistice. Dokument All Inclusive, který jsem tam společně s mezinárodními studentkami vytvořila, dostal čestné ocenění festivalu SWIFF.
Po intenzivním půlroce práce s dokumentem jsem se rozhodla opustit online zpravodajství a směřovat k video tvorbě a publicistice. Náhoda mě přivedla jen o jedno patro výš, a to do Radio Prague International, kde nyní stojím za fotoaparátem, kamerou a střihem.
articles by the author
Explore the Plzeň Region from the skies!
Join us on a trip to the Plzeň Region - the birthplace of Czech lager. Our drone video will guide you through wooded hills, stone castles and ruins from a bird's eye view.
Nine-year-old boy leads annual Ride of Kings in Vlčnov
The annual Ride of the Kings folk celebration – a centuries-old UNESCO listed tradition – took place in the village of Vlčnov in South Moravia on Sunday.
Prolific 20th century Czech composer Bohuslav Martinů
Check-out the fourth part of our video series Czech Music Greats, devoted to the work of one of the most prolific 20th century Czech composers - Bohuslav Martinů.
Explore the South Bohemia Region from above!
Join us on a trip to South Bohemia - a region of castles, ponds, and the famous Budějovický Budvar brewery. Check out its picture-perfect villages and lush landscapes here!
Bedřich Smetana and his world-famous opera The Bartered Bride
The third part of our video series on Czech Music Greats is devoted to the work of one of the giants of Czech classical music Bedřich Smetana.
Explore the Hradec Králové Region from above!
Join us on a trip to the Hradec Králové Region. Our drone video will show you the diverse geography of the region, from the Giant Mountains to the lowlands around the Elbe.
Jan Václav Hugo Voříšek's Symphony in D Major
The second part of our video series on Czech Music Greats looks at a lesser-known name in Czech classical music - Jan Václav Hugo Voříšek.
Antonín Dvořák’s Symphony No. 8 in G major
In the first part of our video series on Czech Music Greats, we introduce one of the best-known names in Czech classical music - Antonín Dvořák.
You don’t need to know how to code to be a game design student at the Prague Film School
The game design programme at Prague’s Film and TV School (FAMU) has only been around for two years, making it one of Europe’s oldest film school’s newest Master’s degrees.
Hangar 13: How do you create a realistic-looking environment for a Mafia game series?
Studio Hangar 13, formerly Illusion Softworks, is behind the successful Mafia saga in which players become power-hungry gangsters.