Už při studiu žurnalistiky na Univerzitě Karlově jsem poprvé začala docházet do Českého rozhlasu, a to jako externí redaktorka serveru iROZHLAS.cz. První zkušenosti jsem začala nabírat na konci roku 2019, což sebou následně přineslo mnoho směn z domova při covidové pandemii a speciální provoz redakce.
Během mého magisterského studia jsem vyjela na studijní pobyt Erasmus do dánského Aarhusu, kde jsem se věnovala videožurnalistice. Dokument All Inclusive, který jsem tam společně s mezinárodními studentkami vytvořila, dostal čestné ocenění festivalu SWIFF.
Po intenzivním půlroce práce s dokumentem jsem se rozhodla opustit online zpravodajství a směřovat k video tvorbě a publicistice. Náhoda mě přivedla jen o jedno patro výš, a to do Radio Prague International, kde nyní stojím za fotoaparátem, kamerou a střihem.
articles by the author
Beauty in the Furstenberg garden
If you’re looking for a tranquil spot to observe the red rooftops of Prague, the Furstenberg garden should be your next trip.
The majestic gardens of Prague Castle
If you've toured around Prague, you've likely visited the historic Prague Castle. But some tourists and even locals in the city may not be aware of its beautiful gardens.
The Wallenstein Garden: where history and beauty meet
The second largest park in Prague's city centre, the Wallenstein Garden was built by Albrecht von Wallenstein and modelled after an Italian mannerist garden.
Franciscan gardens: tranquil oasis in bustling city centre
The Franciscan gardens are located in between Wenceslas and Jungmann square, providing a tranquil oasis for visitors in the bustling city centre.
Experience the beauty of Mala Strana in Prague's Vrtba garden
Prague is home to many beautiful gardens, but the Vrtba, located in Prague’s Mala Strana is one of the most striking.
Josef Lada: Švejk illustrator and painter of Czech Christmas
Josef Lada is undoubtedly one of the best-loved Czech painters of all time, known for his illustrations of children’s books and his landscape and village paintings.
Schikaneder: painter of Prague nocturnes
Jakub Schikaneder is considered one of the most important Czech painters of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, best known for his melancholic paintings of Prague.
Jan Zrzavý - an important protagonist of the Czech avant-garde
Jan Zrzavý was a painter, illustrator and scenographer, and a leading representative of the Czech avant-garde. His paintings now sell for millions of dollars at auction.
František Kupka: innovator in abstract art
František Kupka was the first artist in the world to publicly exhibit abstract art and received a lot of criticism for it. But nowadays his paintings sell for millions.
Toyen: the unconventional surrealist rebel
Toyen was unconventional in many ways for a woman of her time and even by today's standards. Her surrealist artworks are still highly prized by art collectors today.