Už při studiu žurnalistiky na Univerzitě Karlově jsem poprvé začala docházet do Českého rozhlasu, a to jako externí redaktorka serveru iROZHLAS.cz. První zkušenosti jsem začala nabírat na konci roku 2019, což sebou následně přineslo mnoho směn z domova při covidové pandemii a speciální provoz redakce.
Během mého magisterského studia jsem vyjela na studijní pobyt Erasmus do dánského Aarhusu, kde jsem se věnovala videožurnalistice. Dokument All Inclusive, který jsem tam společně s mezinárodními studentkami vytvořila, dostal čestné ocenění festivalu SWIFF.
Po intenzivním půlroce práce s dokumentem jsem se rozhodla opustit online zpravodajství a směřovat k video tvorbě a publicistice. Náhoda mě přivedla jen o jedno patro výš, a to do Radio Prague International, kde nyní stojím za fotoaparátem, kamerou a střihem.
articles by the author
Kikiriki Games: creating mobile barrier-free games accessible to all
To the Dragon Cave is an audio game for blind players. It seeks to improve the range of mobile games for the visually impaired.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance – Czechia’s iconic medieval game
Warhorse's only title transports players to medieval Bohemia. Period clothing and proper combat techniques are essential.
Hangonit games defy easy definition
Hangonit Studio is a one-man studio, founded by Vladimír Kudělka, who views his games as art.
War simulations, life in Czechia and educational games: Bohemia Interactive has a wide portfolio
Bohemia Interactive's game worlds are often inspired by life in Czechia. As a result, they offer an authentic experience.
Charles Games brings historical events or the climate crisis to life through games
The main trademark of Charles Games is social engagement. In historical games, they strive for universality.
Engineering games from Keen Software House give players the freedom to create
The most powerful force in the universe is the need to create. Keen Software House gives players that freedom in titles like Space Engineers and Medival Engineers.
Amanita Design creates original games that are reminiscent of animated films
Amanita Design's games are like animated movies and suitable for less experienced gamers. The studio creates microworlds that are both fantastical and believable.
“Computer games are like works of art”: Czech video games conquer the world
The Czech video games industry can boast a few gems that have conquered the world. But it needs to attract new blood.
From skaters to picnic goers, there’s something for everyone in Letna
Letna park is the second largest green space in the heart of the city, and there is something for every kind of visitor that the park has to offer.
Perfection in Petrin, one of Prague's biggest green spaces
Petrin is one of the most popular parks in the city of Prague, attracting both locals and tourists.