Radio Prague competition

Now as regular listeners to the programme will know, Radio Prague turns 65 years old this year, and to mark this special anniversary we are running a competition. The first prize is a return flight to Prague for two people and one week's stay - also for two - in the Aurora Spa in the South Bohemian town of Trebon! Radio Prague's Peter Smith was in Trebon this week, checking out just what our lucky winners can expect.

Peter Smith: Well, they can expect a full course of therapeutic treatment. I met Jakub Dvorak from the Aurora Spa who told me all about it...

Jakub Dvorak:"This building was founded in the 1975, and first of all I would like to underline our specialization, which is the treatment of muscular skeletal treatment for our clients. Here we have all the parts where the treatments for hydrotherapy are done."

PS: Who mainly benefits from hydrotherapy?

JD:"All the clients - there is one special condition or treatment - the so-called mud-bath or mud-pack. If you have some problems with your heart - heart attacks and so on, you can't just go into a mud bath. We are ready to give them the mud-pack on the part of the body where they have the pains and problems."

PS: So, it's not just for beauty?

JD:"No, No, No. The special chemical composition of the mud works like the water still stays at the temperature, and it has maximum effects to warm-up the muscles, knees, bones, so on - even the skin. Right after taking this mud bath you can feel the effects and you can move pretty well."

PS: Trebon is a beautiful town, close to the largest pond in the CR, beautiful countryside and very close to Austria.

So, if you haven't already, please do enter the competition - the questions are quite straightforward:

* How I came across Radio Prague?

* If Radio Prague were a person, what kind of person would he or she be?

Your entry should reach us by the end of June. We'll be announcing the winner of the Radio Prague 65th Anniversary Competition in Mailbox on July 29th.