Czech Radio centenary: Listeners send congratulations

Jayce Gilbert

On the occasion of Czech Radio’s centenary, we asked our listeners to let us know where they heard our special programme on that day in order to map Radio Prague International’s broadcast reach today. Here are at least some of the many letters and photos which you have sent us.  Thank you to all our loyal fans.

Kathy Jolly | Photo: archive of Kathy Jolly

George Jolly, who was listening to our special programme over the internet, wrote from Houston, Texas:

“Thank you so much for the special program today celebrating your 100 years of radio. If I were not so far away, I would surely visit you on Saturday. It means a lot to me that you continue the tradition of the 'radio magazine'. Hearing the opera excerpt and other recordings from the past was wonderful!

“I love old music and old technology like radio, and I love that you are keeping their spirit alive and new again for today’s world. I am so grateful to celebrate your centenary with you from afar.”

Another listener from the United States is Timothy Marecki, who wrote us from New Port Richey in Florida:

Timothy Marecki from New Port Richey in Florida | Photo: archive of Timothy Marecki

“Congratulations on the 100th anniversary of radio broadcasting in your country!  I very much enjoyed hearing your special program today via the internet. I have been listening to Radio Prague since 1977, and still have some glossy black and white QSL cards sent out during that time! I listened to your special broadcast via the internet, but usually try to hear it on shortwave relayed by WRMI.”

Richard Langley, who has been listening to Radio Prague International since the mid-1960s, also sent a reception report from Florida:

“I am pleased to report reception of Radio Prague International's special broadcast in English celebrating the 100th anniversary of Czech Radio. It was received at a rented house on Grassy Key in the middle of the Florida Keys where I'm currently on holiday enjoying the sun and warmth.

“Usually I listen to Radio Prague International at my home in Hanwell, just outside Fredericton, New Brunswick, on the east coast of Canada. I am a professor at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton where I teach and do research in geodesy, precision navigation, and radio physics.

“By the way, I first heard Radio Prague International's predecessor Radio Prague in 1964 on the SW radio I built from a kit as a teenager.”

Larry Szgatti from Lethbridge,  Alberta,  Canada | Photo: archive of Larry Szgatti

And this answer came from Larry Szgatti, who lives in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada:

“Congratulations on your 100th year anniversary. I have been a loyal listener since 1972. I did listen to your broadcast on May 18 on WRMI from Miami. But nowadays the quality of reception is not very good. I normally listen to the satellite broadcast and podcasts.”

Andrew Kuznetsov listened to Radio Prague International’s special programme from Riga, Latvia:

“I began to listen to your transmissions in the second part of 80's on shortwaves and was Radio Prague Club of Listeners member. I still remember your "Inter-Program" easy listening broadcasts on short waves in German, French and English.

“I remember Radio Prague closing for one month in April 1990 to break from the past and about plans to move the overseas service from Ceskoslovensky Rozhlas to the foreign ministry. And, of course, I remember Oldrich Cip, who worked in the English section under the name of Peter Skala. Great times! Great heritage!”

Ranjit Darnal from Nepal | Photo: archive of Ranjit Darnal

Ranjit Darnal, who has been listening to Radio Prague International since 2014, sent his greetings from Syanga, Gandaki in Nepal:

“I heartily congratulate Czech Radio team on 100 years’ amazing milestone celebration. Thank you for broadcasting news, culture, history, entertainment and facts. I really enjoyed the archive audios that broadcast on special programme.”

And finally, Alan Gale sent his best wishes to Czech Radio from Whitworth in the United Kingdom:

“I don't send many reception reports these days, but how could I not do on such a special occasion, so a very happy 100th birthday to your venerable station, and may you be around for at least another 100 years!

“Radio Prague was the first international broadcast station that I ever heard, thanks to hearing your Interval Signal on Medium Wave back in the early 1970s, and this was what made me want to discover more about the world of International broadcasting.

“One of the really nice things about Shortwave is that you learn so much about other countries, and you also develop an affection for them along the way.”

Thank you once again for all the answers and photos you have sent on the occasion of Czech Radio’s centenary. We hope you will remain loyal to Radio Prague International for years to come. Thanks for listening and take care!

Photo: Czech Radio
Author: Ruth Fraňková