Final day of voting in regional and Senate elections

Czechs are heading to polling stations in a second and final day of voting in regional elections, excluding Prague, as well as the first round of Senate elections in some areas. Voting stations, including those in flood-affected regions, are open from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. for those who were unable to vote on Friday.

Some 40 parties and movements have nominated over 8,000 candidates for 675 seats on regional councils. In the Senate elections, 169 candidates are contesting 27 seats in the upper chamber.

The regional elections, in which opposition party ANO seeks to defend its victory from four years ago, are seen as a key test of the party's popularity ahead of next year’s general elections. Meanwhile, Senate elections see the governing Civic Democratic Party aiming to retain its position as the strongest faction, securing the leadership of Miloš Vystrčil.

In fifteen municipalities, people are also voting in referendums on local issues, most often on the planned construction of wind and photovoltaic power plants. Other issues include the construction of a home for the elderly, a community centre, a bypass road or approval for mining in the area.

Author: Vít Pohanka