• 05/07/2024

    On the occasion of Victory Day, Defence Minister Jana Černochová awarded 19 personalities, six of them in memoriam, with medals of merit for their contribution to the defence of the Czech Republic and its constitutional order. Among the laureates honoured are Maria Dubská, who took part in the Prague Uprising in May 1945 and František Kolman, a participant in the anti-Nazi resistance, who received the award in memoriam. Awards for merit in the protection of democratic values and human rights were awarded to the late writer and exiled publisher Josef Škvorecký, film director Václav Marhoul and historian Adam Hradilek, among others.

  • 05/07/2024

    A Bavarian court has sentenced a Czech man to two-and-a-half years in prison for stealing a pectoral cross bequeathed by the late Pope Benedict XVI to a parish in his native Bavaria. The Berchtesgadener Anzeiger newspaper reported on the verdict on Tuesday, saying the cross may soon be returned to the church in Traunstein. The 53-year-old Czech man stole the gold-plated, bejeweled cross from the church in June of last year. Its material value was estimated at around 2,000 euros, but its cultural and historical value is significantly higher, the paper said.

  • 05/07/2024

    Surgery will no longer be a mandatory requirement for trans people to legally change their sex in Czechia, the Constitutional Court ruled on Tuesday. The court stated in its verdict that the requirement for surgical intervention and sterilisation is a violation of human dignity and the basic right of people to protect their bodily integrity and personal autonomy. These two legal requirements will be annulled with effect from mid-2025.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 05/07/2024

    Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský summoned the Russian ambassador to Czechia, Alexandr Zmejevskij, to the Czernin Palace on Monday over Russia's recent cyberattacks on Czech institutions and critical infrastructure.

    On Friday the ministry announced that the Russian-controlled APT28 group, which is linked to the country's GRU military secret service, has been targeting Czech institutions with cyber-attacks that exploited a previously unknown vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook since last year. Mr Lipavský said the attacks were intended to seriously endanger the security and stability of the country.

    Attacks in connection with APT28 were also reported by Germany, who took the same step of summoning their Russian ambassador last week.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 05/06/2024

    The names of Holocaust victims were publicly read out on Monday afternoon in 31 Czech towns and cities for Yom HaShoah or Holocaust Remembrance Day. The public reading of Holocaust victims' names has taken place annually in Czechia since 2006, initially only in Prague, but with more and more towns and cities participating each year. According to the organisers, the idea is to spread awareness of the Holocaust and show the extreme consequences of racist government policies.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 05/06/2024

    Tuesday is predicted to be grey and wet, with rainfall expected especially in the morning and early afternoon. Daytime temperatures should range between 12 and 15 degrees Celsius.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 05/06/2024

    Prague primary school teacher Martina Bednářová, who faced charges of denying genocide and war crimes over statements she made in class about the war in Ukraine, has had her acquittal upheld by the Court of Appeal. The court rejected the public prosecutor's appeal, which requested an eight-month suspended sentence for the former Czech teacher, as well as a five-year ban on pedagogic, educational or other work with children. The judge said that although the teacher's statements may have been wrong from an ethical and pedagological perspective, from a legal perspective, it could not be proven that the teacher had denied any specific war crimes and thus could not be punished by means of criminal law.

    Ms. Bednářová was fired from her job at a Prague primary school after she made the controversial statements in a lesson in early April 2022, a few weeks after Russia launched its war on Ukraine, and was subsequently charged with denying war crimes and genocide.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 05/06/2024

    Last week there were 1,266 new cases of whooping cough registered in Czechia, a decrease of 338 or about a fifth less than the previous week. So far this year, there have been a total of 12,239 recorded cases of whooping cough in the country, compared to only 494 last year for the entire 12-month period.

    However, the State Health Institute, which published the data, also said in the same press release that the disease is not serious for most people, with only 2.1 percent of patients requiring hospitalisation.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 05/06/2024

    A Czech parish priest who tried to enter the Vatican on Sunday carrying an air pistol, two knives and a screwdriver in his bag was detained by the police, Italian media reports. He was accompanying a group of pilgrims from Czechia but was apprehended during the security checks visitors are required to go through in order to enter the Vatican. The bag in which the police found the suspicious items allegedly belonged to someone else from the party, who is also being prosecuted for illegally arming the clergyman.

    During interrogation, the priest claimed that the weapons were only intended for self-defence, a story which, according to Italian daily Corriere della Sera, investigators do not find credible. The current theory is that the man may have entrusted the bag to the priest thinking that he would not be subjected to a thorough security check due to his ecclesiastical status.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 05/06/2024

    The police have established the identity of the two Czech citizens who waved a Nazi flag from a jeep during the Plzeň Freedom Celebrations on Sunday, the Czech News Agency reports. They suspect them of being far-right sympathisers. A police spokesperson told the Czech News Agency that the police are continuing to investigate and no one has been charged yet.

    Plzeň Mayor Roman Zarzycký said that such behaviour was completely unacceptable and should be strongly condemned. He added that as far as he knew, the perpetrators were not members of a traditional military club, but rather individual participants in the convoy.

    The incident took place during the annual Convoy of Liberty when over 300 historic US military vehicles pass through Plzeň, usually the biggest spectator attraction of the four-day Freedom Celebrations that commemorate the liberation of the city from Nazi occupation by US and Belgian troops in May 1945.

    Author: Anna Fodor
