• 05/04/2024

    Sunday is predicted to be warm but mostly cloudy, with a chance of rain in the afternoon and evening. Daytime temperatures should range between 15 and 21 degrees Celsius.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 05/04/2024

    A group of people carrying EU, NATO and Ukrainian flags and a large banner bearing the inscription "Welcome the delegates of the Russian Terrorist Federation" protested the arrival of bikers from Night Wolves MC Europe, a chapter of the Russian Night Wolves Motorcycle Club, in Brno on Saturday, the Czech News Agency reports.

    The pro-Kremlin "biker gang", which has chapters in several European countries and elsewhere around the world, stopped at Brno's Central Cemetery on their annual ride through Europe around VE Day to lay wreaths at memorials to Red Army soldiers who died in World War II. The protest was organised by the Kaputin group, who regularly hold protests and demonstrations against groups and individuals deemed to be pro-Russian.

    The Night Wolves Motorcycle Club has close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin and is often described as extremely nationalistic. The head of the organisation, Alexander Zaldostanov, is on the US and EU sanctions list for supporting the Russian annexation of Crimea. The group began their 10th annual "Victory Ride" in Michalovce, Slovakia, this year.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 05/04/2024

    ANO party leader Andrej Babiš has said in response to a letter from Defence Minister Jana Černochová that his party has never criticised giving aid to Ukraine, but rather criticises the lack of transparency surrounding the current Czech shells-for-Ukraine initiative, which he perceives primarily as a giant PR campaign.

    Ms. Černochová wrote in her letter dated Tuesday that the former prime minister's attacks on the ammunition initiative were publicly damaging the image of the country and that national defence and security issues should remain separate from political campaigning, accusing him of trying to create the impression that the initiative is fraudulent in order to win the votes of extremists.

    The ANO party leader wrote in response in a letter dated Friday that his party had never questioned the giving of aid to Ukraine or disputed the idea that Russia is the clear aggressor in the conflict, but that if the main goal of the shells initiative was really to help Ukraine, then it would not have been publicly discussed until after the delivery of the aid.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 05/04/2024

    Some 43 vintage cars in mint condition set off from Prague on Saturday morning to make their way across Europe for the second annual edition of the Oldtimer Express rally. The drivers are supposed to make five stops and finish in Athens, where the winners in different categories will be announced, including the first to reach the finish line and Most Beautiful Car. However, organiser Josef Zajíček, who is also participating, told the Czech News Agency that the event is not a race and the goal is to finish safely and enjoy the journey.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 05/04/2024

    The American student marching band Stuttgart Legacy Drumline opened the Plzeň Freedom Celebrations' cultural programme on Friday evening, marking the liberation of the city by US and Belgian troops at the end of World War II. Following the performance, 25 descendants of the veterans who liberated the city in May 1945 came onto the podium in the city's central square and addressed the crowds. Kristina Pieper, the daughter of American veteran Richard Pieper, who died last March at the age of 99, said that her father always spoke of Plzeň as his second home.

    The second day of the programme began on Saturday with a mass for veterans and victims of wars in the Cathedral of St. Bartholomew, delivered by Bishop Tomáš Holub in Czech and English.

    The Freedom Celebrations will continue over the weekend with a historical, military and cultural program including outdoor gatherings, concerts, guided tours and exhibitions, and will culminate on May 6 with commemorative ceremonies at monuments to the soldiers.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 05/03/2024

    Czech analyses clearly show that the Russian-controlled APT28 group is the source of cyberattacks against Czech state institutions, according to the director of the National Cyber and Information Security Agency, Lukáš Kintr.

    There is also no doubt about the involvement of the Russian military secret service GRU in its activities, Kintr told the Czech News Agency. It is also necessary, he said, to send a clear signal not only to Russia but also to other potential attackers that cyber attacks against Czechia are unacceptable.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 05/03/2024

    Czechia, along with Poland, had the lowest rate of unemployment in the European Union in March, according to the latest data by the European statistics agency Eurostat published on Friday.

    The general level of unemployment in the EU lay at 6 percent in March, a decrease by 0.1 percent when compared to February. In Czechia unemployment rose to 2.9 percent from 2.7 percent in February.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 05/03/2024

    Saturday will be partly cloudy with rain showers towards the evening. Day temperatures are expected to range between 20 and 24 degrees Celsius.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 05/03/2024

    Czechia, along with Germany, the European Union, NATO and international partners, has strongly condemned activities of the Russian state-controlled actor APT28, who has been conducting a long-term cyber espionage campaign in European countries.

    According to the ministry’s statement, published on Friday, Czech institutions have been the target of attacks exploiting a previously unknown vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook since last year. The method and the focus of the attacks matched the profile of the activities of the APT28 group, linked to the Russian military secret service GRU.

    “We are determined to respond strongly to this unacceptable behaviour together with European and international partners," the ministry said, calling on the Russian Federation to cease these activities.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 05/03/2024

    The Czech army has 12 new colonels, including four women. The officers were raised to the rank by Chief of the General Staff Karel Řehka at the Victory Day ceremony on Prague’s Vítkov Memorial on Friday.

    He also awarded nearly 30 servicemen and women with badges of honour for merit. Among the recipients is also a member of the US Army Joshua Hull, who was awarded for his significant personal contribution to the development of cooperation with the Czech Army in the field of cyber protection.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
