• 12/19/2023

    Czechia has the highest inflation rate in the entire European Union according to the latest report from the EU's statistical office Eurostat. Prices in the Czech Republic climbed by 8 percent year-on-year, while the average EU inflation rate fell by 0.5 percent in November to 3.1 percent, the lowest it has been in around two years. In the Eurozone countries, inflation fell by 0.5 percent in November to 2.4 percent.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 12/19/2023

    Pilsner Urquell has announced that it will not be sponsoring next year's Summer Olympic Games in Paris due to the International Olympic Committee (IOC)'s decision to allow Russian and Belarusian athletes to compete in the event. The world-famous beer producer, an official partner of the Czech Olympic Committee, is withdrawing from all communications and sponsorship material related to the 2024 Olympics and will not prepare its own campaign on the occasion of the games, as was the case in the past. The funds intended to support the Olympics will go to Czech athletes instead, a brewery spokesperson said.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 12/19/2023

    Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová is the most trusted foreign politician among Czechs, with a 52 percent trust rating, according to the results of a poll conducted by the CVVM agency. The least trusted foreign leader is Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is trusted by a mere 12 percent of Czechs and distrusted by 82 percent. The most notable shift in public opinion is the significant drop in trust in the Ukrainian leader President Volodymyr Zelensky who is currently trusted by 28 percent of Czechs and distrusted by 62 percent. In the spring of 2022 he was trusted by 48 percent of Czechs and distrusted by 32 percent.

  • 12/19/2023

    The European Union has extended an exemption for imports of Russian oil products to Czechia until December 2024, but only in volumes that do not exceed the amount imported in previous years. If alternatives become available before that date, the EU Council will terminate the provision. The exemption was made within a twelfth package of anti-Russian sanctions. The previous exemption from sanctions against Russia, which allowed Bratislava-based refiner Slovnaft to export Russian oil products to Czechia expired on December 5.

  • 12/19/2023

    The head of the Czech Senate Miloš Vystrčil called for mutual understanding and respect for others in his first Advent speech broadcast on Czech Television. He warned that intransigence in place of compromise and reasonable solutions could lead to the weakening of democracy and undermine trust in the country’s state institutions. In a democracy, no one should recklessly exploit their superiority at the expense of the weaker party, and no one should recklessly block a solution that has majority support, Vystrčil said. He warned that if this behavior by politicians continues the development of the country will suffer and distrust in the parliamentary system will grow, which would only profit populists and extremists.

  • 12/18/2023

    Czechs on Monday marked the 12th anniversary of the death of the country’s first post-communist president and icon of the Velvet Revolution Václav Havel. Politicians and members of the public laid flowers and lit candles at his grave in Prague's Vinohrady Cemetery and in the evening dozens of people joined a commemorative march to Prague Castle in his memory. Senate chair Miloš Vystrčil stressed the need for the country to uphold the values Havel reinstated – freedom and democracy, conscience, responsibility and patriotism.

    President Havel died at his country cottage in Hrádeček on December 18, 2011 at the age of 75.

  • 12/18/2023

    Tuesday should be partly cloudy to overcast with day temperatures between 4 and 8 degrees Celsius.

  • 12/18/2023

    Retailers report a steep increase in sales during the third Advent weekend compared to previous weeks. Tesco stores say that after a slow start, Christmas sales tripled on the third weekend of Advent. Other retailers and online stores also report a significant rise in sales, recording a year-on-year growth of up to ten percent, according to a poll among retailers conducted by the ctk news agency. Retailers expect this year’s sales to surpass last year’s when Czechs were up against two-digit inflation.

  • 12/18/2023

    Charity organizations have appealed to institutions to donate unused food from company canteens to the needy. They say that while compared to past years tens of thousands of lunches from company canteens were saved this year, companies still throw away over 70,000 portions of unused food every day. Save the Food activists say the number of people in need of help, most often seniors and single parents, is growing and the process of donating left over food to charity with the help of an app is simple: a courier comes to pick up the food, which is delivered directly to shelters or charities working with the needy. The plan is to involve school canteens as well. Research data suggests that more food is thrown away in school canteens than in company ones.

  • 12/18/2023

    The Czech military has started using influencers to give the public greater insight into its activities and boost recruitment, Colonel Ivo Zelinka said in an interview for Czech Radio. The colonel, who is with the army’s cyber command, said the influencers are both soldiers and civilians with a strong interest in the armed forces. He said the Czech military was just starting to adopt a model that is common in the US and elsewhere. According to Zelinka, the main message to the public is that the Czech Army is modern, combat ready, participates in foreign missions and is as strong as the people who serve in it.
