• 12/15/2023

    Ostrava is sending twenty-five trams to the Ukrainian city of Konotop. The first six vehicles are to be transported to the Ukrainian border on Friday, the rest will follow in the coming days, a spokesperson for the municipality informed journalists. The trams were taken out of operation due to the city modernizing its public transport fleet but are still fully functional and will help keep Ukraine’s public transport in operation.  The city earlier dispatched ten Solaris diesel buses to Ukraine.

  • 12/15/2023

    Numbers relating to people’s date of birth will remain on Czechs’ ID cards, despite the fact that the numbers can be used to decipher the age and gender of the bearer. The Senate approved an amendment to that effect on Friday, backtracking on earlier plans to stop using birth numbers on ID cards as of 2025. The bill was approved despite objections from the Office for Personal Data Protection which expressed concern over possible abuse. The amendment still recons on their being removed in due time, but there is no deadline by when the transition should take place.

  • 12/15/2023

    Confidence in the government has fallen steeply, with only 17 percent of Czechs trusting the cabinet of Prime Minister Petr Fiala, according to the outcome of a poll conducted by the Centre for Public Opinion Research (CVVM). The government now has the lowest trust rating among the country’s institutions. At this time last year it had a 30 percent trust rating. President Petr Pavel is trusted by 52 percent of Czechs, the Chamber of Deputies is trusted by 18 percent of Czechs and the Senate by 29 percent. Public trust in both chambers of Parliament has slid in the past year. According to the survey, 69 percent of respondents also expressed dissatisfaction with the political situation in Czechia in general.

  • 12/15/2023

    Prime Minister Petr Fiala has welcomed the decision of the European Council to open accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova. The Czech head of government described the decision as "a big step forward and a great success for Europe and EU". He said that starting accession talks with Ukraine was an important signal that the EU is interested in the future of the country. Mr. Fiala added that Thursday's European Council meeting was one of the most difficult he had ever attended. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who was vehemently opposed to starting accession talks with Ukraine, eventually left the negotiating table, unblocking the EU’s decision.

  • 12/14/2023

    Friday should be partly cloudy with scattered snow or rain showers and day temperatures between 1 and 5 degrees Celsius.

  • 12/14/2023

    Refusing to provide further care to a patient with no hope of recovery, which would only prolong their suffering, cannot be regarded as an act of discrimination, the Supreme Court ruled on Thursday, rejecting an appeal by the parents of a young girl who succumbed to fatal complications caused by a congenital disease in a Prague hospital. The parents sought an apology and financial compensation over doctors' refusal to transfer their daughter from intensive care to the hospital’s anesthesiology and resuscitation department. Doctors argued that her condition, which included multi-organ failure, was irreversible and would only prolong her suffering.

  • 12/14/2023

    Prague 1 is determined to introduce a nighttime ban on vehicles entering parts of the city center, a spokesperson for the district reported. Prague 1 city councilors enforced such a ban three weeks ago, citing excessive noise pollution, but the Prague City Council invalidated it in a review procedure, saying the measure was not properly justified. The Prague 1 leadership insists that the measure is badly needed and wants to discuss the conditions under which it can be imposed with the Prague municipality.

  • 12/14/2023

    The rector of the Prague University of Economics, Petr Dvořák, has announced his decision to dismiss the dean of the Faculty of Economics, Miroslav Ševčík, on the grounds that he is damaging the institution's reputation. Dean Ševčík, who has been under fire over his behavior for months, said he considers the rector's decision illegal and politically motivated. He told journalists that he would defend himself against it in court.

    The academic, who works with the ultra-conservative Tricolour party, made headlines when he appeared at a pro-Russian rally in Prague and was implicated when a mob tried to remove the Ukrainian flag from the National Museum. The Ethics Committee at Prague’s University of Economics later ruled that he had violated the school's code of ethics.

  • 12/14/2023

    The state will release 3.5 billion crowns to help energy-intensive companies deal with increased energy costs in 2024, Prime Minister Petr Fila announced after Wednesday’s cabinet session. The support is to be directed to companies with large consumption such as steelworks, glassworks or packaging plants. Industry leaders have called for help from the state due to the high growth of regulated energy prices. They fear that a threefold increase in energy costs for some companies would weaken the competitiveness of the domestic industry.

  • 12/14/2023

    Twelve European countries, including Czechia, have called on the EU to end its temporary political and economic measures against Kosovo, which include the suspension of high-level visits, events, and financial cooperation, news site Politico reports. In a letter addressed to the EU’s top diplomat Josep Borrell and the special representative to the Western Balkans, officials wrote that the international community should reaffirm support for Kosovo’s sovereignty, and pointed to questions about Serbia’s role in the recent months of violence.

    Elections were held in North Kosovo, where more than 90 percent of the population are ethnic Serbs, in April, but were boycotted by the Serbian population, resulting in wins for ethnic Albanian mayors. Months of violence followed, including attacks by Serbs on international peacekeeping forces, police and the media.

    Author: Anna Fodor
