• 04/06/2024

    The annual March for Life, organised by Czechia's largest pro-life activist group Hnutí pro život (Movement for Life), took place in Prague on Saturday afternoon, with an estimated several hundred people attending. Cardinal Dominik Duka thanked the participants at the start of the rally for their courage and said it was a demonstration of true freedom and democracy.

    Counter-protestors also gathered and blocked the procession from crossing Legion Bridge, causing the police to divert the direction of the march. Two counter-protestors tied themselves to ropes and suspended themselves from Legion Bridge.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 04/06/2024

    A large number of runners in Saturday's Prague Half Marathon fainted, collapsed, or suffered other health problems due to the unusually hot April weather and the length of the race, the Czech News Agency reported. Temperatures in Prague had already exceeded 20 degrees Celsius by midday on Saturday. Paramedics treated dozens of people and some had to be taken to hospital. The emergency services were operating in crisis mode for about two hours, meaning rules around filling out documentation and other administrative tasks were relaxed to allow medical professionals to work faster and to make patient care more efficient.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 04/06/2024

    Almost a quarter of Czech fifth-graders do not have even a basic level of reading literacy, according to a report by the Czech School Inspectorate. The testing focused on the pupils' ability to understand the author's intention, search for information in the text, and decide whether the text is reliable. The inspectorate said the findings are worrying because the ability to understand and work with texts is important not only for academic success but also for finding employment later on.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 04/06/2024

    Dangerous populist and extremist factions are gaining support and trying to get into power in Czechia, and it is the Mayors and Independents (STAN) party's job not to allow this to happen, Interior Minister and head of the party Vít Rakušan said in his opening speech at the STAN party assembly in Olomouc on Saturday. Mr. Rakušan emphasised the importance of showing the electorate the concrete results of what the government had achieved over the last two years, despite the crises of the war in Ukraine and the influx of refugees to Czechia, in order to show people that simple solutions don't work and that such promises by populists are empty. He added that the political situation in neighbouring countries serves as a warning for how quickly change can come.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 04/06/2024

    Kenyan long-distance runner Sabastian Kimaru Sawe won the annual Prague Half Marathon on Saturday, setting a course and personal record of 58:24 minutes, shaving 34 seconds off his previous personal best. Gete Alemayehu from Ethiopia won the women's race with a time of 1:08:10. Patrik Vebr was the first Czech runner to reach the finish line and Tereza Hrochová was the fastest Czech woman.

    A record 15,500 runners from 115 countries took part in the Prague Half Marathon this year.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 04/05/2024

    Russia has made “thousands” of attempts to interfere with European rail networks aiming to destabilize the EU and sabotage critical infrastructure, Czech Transport Minister Martin Kupka told the Financial Times. He said Moscow was using various means to weaken European rail networks including attempts to hack signaling and ticket systems.

    The EU Agency for Cybersecurity published a warning about Russian threats to transport in March of last year, reporting major cyber attacks by “pro-Russia hacker groups” on railway companies in Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Estonia. The Czech cyber security agency, NUKIB, has also warned of rising cyber attacks in recent years, particularly in the areas of energy and transportation.

  • 04/05/2024

    Saturday should be bright and sunny in the western parts of the country and partly cloudy in the east, with day temperatures between 21 and 25 degrees Celsius.

  • 04/05/2024

    The number of children and adolescents overdosing on over-the-counter drugs and alcohol has increased in the last two years, according to information released by the General University Hospital in Prague. Aside from suicide attempts, the most frequent cause of drug or alcohol overdosing is peer pressure on social media. Girls are more likely to overdose than boys. The most frequently abused drugs in the under-15 age bracket are paracetamol, antidepressants and ibuprofen.

  • 04/05/2024

    Czechia is offering to train Ukrainian pilots on F-16 and other fighter jets, Defence Minister Jana Černochová announced  during a visit to the Centre for Aviation Training of the state enterprise LOM in Pardubice. The centre has nine cockpits with forty computers that can simulate the operation of four types of aircraft, including the American F-16 fighter jets. It has offered to provide training at the centre. Ukraine has been promised a number of F-16 aircraft by Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway and Belgium to be delivered within the next few months.

  • 04/05/2024

    The government is planning to effect changes to the system of state benefits so as to target state aid better and make it more effective. As of next year people asking for state support will have to reveal the size of their savings, property and other assets, such as the number of cars they own, Labour and Social Affairs Minister Marian Jurečka told reporters. The planned reform will merge the housing allowance and supplementary housing allowance, child benefits and subsistence allowance into a single benefit that could be received by up to 850, 000 people.
