• 04/09/2024

    The president of the Czech Tennis Association, Ivo Kaderka, and the head of its supervisory board, Vojtěch Flégl, must remain in custody on charges of large-scale corruption, the Czech News Agency reported on Tuesday. Mr. Kaderka is believed to have had an appeal against his remand rejected, the news outlet said.

    The case centres on alleged fraud involving millions of crowns in state subsidies intended for tennis and youth sports organisations.

    The two suspects have been behind bars since the end of February.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 04/09/2024

    Unemployment in Czechia has returned to below four percent after two months, falling to 3.9 percent in March, according to data released by the national Office of Labour on Tuesday.

    Office head Daniel Krištof said the drop was caused mainly by warm weather, which saw earlier start of seasonal work, such as construction.

    At the end of last month, 288,623 people in the country were out of work. The number of job vacancies rose slightly to 268,660.

    The jobless rate in Czechia in March last year was 3.7 percent.

  • 04/09/2024

    Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský began a three-day visit to Brazil on Monday. The head of Czech diplomacy met with State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Maria Laura da Rocha to discuss security, defence and culture. It is the first trip of the head of Czech diplomacy to Brazil, Czechia’s main trading partner in South America, since 2002.

    Mr Lipavský is also scheduled to meet with the Minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira, or the Vice President of Brazil and Minister of Development, Industry, Trade and Services, Gerald Alckmin.

    In the second half of the week, Mr. Lipavský will travel to Argentina, which has the largest and most active Czech expat community in Latin America.

    According to the Foreign Ministry, the main motive of the diplomatic trip is to strengthen cooperation with the South American countries and to build on successful trade and cultural relations.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 04/08/2024

    Tuesday will be mostly sunny with day temperatures ranging between 23 and 27 degrees Celsius.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 04/08/2024

    The police has not yet received any signals about specific security threats to the Ice Hockey World Championship scheduled to take place in Prague and Ostrava from 10 to 26 May.

    The risks are being assessed by a team including experts from the National Counterterrorism, Extremism and Cybercrime Agency. Police are also consulting with Interpol, the head of the Czech police Martin Vondrášek said at a press conference on Monday.

    Mr. Vondrášek said he expected that the most difficult task for the police will be to ensure smooth traffic flow, just as it was nine years ago. Police officers will also focus on petty property crime, counterfeit tickets, potential public order disturbances, cyber and disinformation threats.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 04/08/2024

    More than two-thirds of economically active refugees from Ukraine have jobs in Czechia, suggests a survey published on Monday by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM).

    Based on the latest data from the Czech Ministry of the Interior, there are currently about 339,000 refugees from Ukraine with temporary protection, which allows access to public health insurance, education and the labour market. Some 77 percent of them are economically active and 69 percent of them have a job, suggests the IOM survey.

    According to the survey, the majority of people who fled Ukraine to Czechia are women, who often have a high level of education and were only able to get jobs below their previous qualifications. Finding a job is especially difficult for single mothers, respondents over 60 and people with health problems, the survey concludes.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 04/08/2024

    Dust particles from the Sahara desert have been blown over Czechia again, the Czech Hydro-Meteorological Institute reported on Monday. The dust cloud is most visible in the western part of the country.

    Unlike during Easter, the particles of sand dust are moving higher in the atmosphere and are unlikely to cause smog. However, the sand in the air can reduce visibility and affect temperatures.

    According to meteorologists, the incidents of Saharan dust intrusions are becoming more frequent in recent years and may be related to climate change.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 04/08/2024

    Czech-born German politician Petr Bystroň from the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD), the grouping’s number two candidate for June’s European Parliament elections, says he feels clear support from the party, following a meeting of its leadership on Monday.

    Mr Bystroň, who was accused by the Czech counterintelligence service (BIS) of accepting money from a Russian influence network, made a statement to that effect to the Czech News Agency on Monday.

    He also said the Czech government of Prime Minister Petr Fiala should now explain whether the counterintelligence service acted under pressure from abroad, such as Berlin or NATO.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 04/08/2024

    Some 1,100 new cases of whooping cough were registered in Czechia in the past week, the State Health Institute said on Monday. It is the second highest weekly increase this year. Doctors have recorded a total of 6,397 whooping cough infections since the start of 2024.

    Records show that the only year that has seen a higher number of cases was in 1959, a year after the start of compulsory vaccination.

    Most of the current patients are between the 15 and 19 years old, with that age group accounting for nearly a third of the sick. So far, the State Health Institute has recorded three deaths related to whooping cough.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 04/08/2024

    Jaroslav Bašta, an MP for the Freedom and Direct Democracy party and a candidate for the 2023 Czech presidency, has died at the age of 75 after a long illness. The politician and Charter 77 signatory had excused himself from parliamentary sessions for health reasons since about mid-May last year and had been in a serious condition in hospital since at least the end of May.

    Mr. Bašta had been a member of Freedom and Direct Democracy since 2021. Between 2000 and 2005 he was the Czech ambassador to Russia and later became the Czech ambassador to Ukraine, where he served for three years. He finished fifth of eight candidates in the first round of the presidential elections on 14 January 2023, with 4.45% of the vote.

    Marcel Dlask, the administrative director of the Chvaletice power plant, is slated to take over his seat in parliament.

    Author: Anna Fodor
