“A big leap forward” for Czech design as Klimchi glassware appears in Barbie

Barbie glassware by Klimchi

If you’re planning to watch the Barbie film, you might be surprised to learn that the drinks and pitchers in the Barbie bar were designed by Czech glassware company Klimchi. I spoke with CEO Lukáš Klimčák on what this feature in one of the summer’s biggest films means for his company, and for the reputation of Czech design.

Lukáš Klimčák | Photo: Radek Petrášek,  ČTK

“Last year we were approached by the production department of Warner Brothers in May with a request to dress a set in their movie that was coming out. Obviously we were interested in what movie it was, and they told us that it was the Barbie movie with Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling.

“Of course we were really excited about it at the time, but we didn’t know it was going to be so big and how much hype there would be around it.

“We then started to choose with the Warner Brothers production team the perfect shade of pink from our Rosaline colour theme collection. At the end we picked the designs from this collection and got it delivered to the studios near London.”

Were these designs made specifically for the film and did the film crew create the designs or was it Klimchi that came up with them?

“As it can be with these film productions, the request for collaboration came at the last minute, they really wanted to dress up the Barbie bar.

“We had just about a week for the turn-around time and we needed to pick items from our existing collection. We went through our catalogue and chose the items that were the most fitting for the Barbie bar with the set director of the movie.

“So it was Klimchi designed, and I would be very happy in the future if we are asked to produce something custom for a film, but for this specific occasion it was our design.”

Ryan Gosling left,  and Margot Robbie in a scene from "Barbie" | Photo: ČTK/AP/Uncredited

Have you seen the film yet?

“Yes, my whole team went this past week and we saw the movie. My team gave me a Barbie t-shirt, and when I came to the office after returning from vacation, I was surprised with a pink themed office. All of the glassware I have in my office was taken out and replaced with pink glasses and pink balloons, they also gave me a Ken poster with my face on it.”

How did it feel when you were watching the movie with your team and saw your product in one of the biggest blockbuster films of the year?

“Obviously we were really excited, we ‘yayed’ but in silence! I saw the excitement of my team to see our product, and it was really an amazing experience.”

Is this a big moment to have a Czech brand in a big Hollywood film, what do you think that means for Czech design to get noticed internationally?

Lukáš Klimčák | Photo: Radek Petrášek,  ČTK

“I’m happy if anything from the Czech Republic gets that level of publicity abroad.

“For us, it’s definitely a big leap forward, and not only for our company but for other Czech brands as well because this publicises the good name of the Czech Republic with the film producers and film crews.

“We were also approached by the film agency and they would like to list as a partner, and I hope these steps will help get other Czech brands into Hollywood films.”

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