I like to think of myself as a journalistic omnivore. Having worked for Czech National Public Television, UNESCO in Paris, and the BBC World Service in London, I found my calling at Czech Radio in 2022. After spending years as a correspondent in Belgium, the United States, and Poland, I returned to my beloved Vysočina Region in 2017 and began producing various programs, primarily for radio but also for other media. Among other projects, I started hosting Czechast, a podcast in English about all things Czech, for the English Service of Radio Prague International and joined its staff in 2024. Although I am now officially based in Prague, I still love to travel and record programs in various regions and consider the whole of beautiful Czechia my office.
articles by the author
A rural Czech Christmas with an exotic touch
This time of year, cities in Central Europe are vying to attract tourists to their Christmas markets, New Year's Eve celebrations, and other seasonal attractions. If you…
Olomouc – a city where the past meets the future
Historically, Olomouc used to be the historical capital of Moravia, the eastern part of what is now the Czech Republic. It all changed at the end of the Thirty Years' War…
Villa Tugendhat – a masterpiece of modernism
"Less is more" is an aphorism often associated with the German-American architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. He might be better known as the last director of the Bauhaus…
“Second” Czech city cool again
Brno is cool again. The second city of the Czech Republic is finally shedding its somewhat shabby image and finding healthy self-confidence. Its streets are filling with…
Jihlava - the city of Mahler´s childhood
The city of Jihlava hides a well-kept secret. Not many people know that one of the best known and admired composers of late 19th century spent the forming years of his…
Gem on a hill: The Pilgrimage Church of Saint John of Nepomuk in Žďár
Built on a small hill called Zelená hora near Žďár nad Sázavou, it is one of the most spectacular and yet unassuming sights in the Czech Republic. The architectural…
Constantin Kinsky: We Are Romantic Idiots!
Constantin Kinsky was born in 1961 in Paris, France, to one of the oldest aristocratic families of Bohemia in French exile. Educated in France, he became a successful…