Survey: Over two-thirds of Czechs shop online every month

More than two-thirds of consumers in the Czech Republic shop online at least every month, a quarter do so every two weeks, and 14 percent shop online every week. These are among the findings of a survey by Visa based on a representative sample of 1,000 respondents.

Internet payments are most popular among people under the age of 34, while cash on delivery is preferred by people over the age of 50 and people from lower income groups.

Almost 60 percent of online purchases within the Czech market are paid for online, mostly by credit card. On the contrary, occasional online customers prefer payment by cash on delivery or standard bank transfer.

Some 41 percent of Czech internet users are flexible when it comes to internet payments and use several methods when shopping online while 19 percent prefer only one method of payment when shopping online, and if a particular store does not offer it, they are not willing to buy there.

Internet payments (including online card payments) are most commonly used to purchase public transport tickets (87 percent), cultural events (75 percent), and services such as insurance and transportation (72 percent).

The goods and services for which Czechs most often pay online are clothing and footwear (56 percent of Internet users have bought such a product online in the last six months), electronics and accessories (48 percent), medicines (39 percent) and cosmetics ( 38 percent).

More than a third of Czechs ordered food online or purchased furniture or tools. The Visa survey clearly shows that online payments are the most popular among young people. Millennials prefer online payments in everyday life.

Take-over payment and other more traditional payment methods are most often chosen by people over the age of 50 – the main reason for not using a card when shopping online is the desire to pay only when you receive the goods.

Smartphones, tablets and other devices enable new payment methods, from in-app payments to online transactions. In the Czech Republic, people most often shop online on personal computers or smartphones.

Interestingly, many people use a desktop computer to search for goods, but pay for it via a smartphone, according to Visa.