Press Review

The majority of the Czech daily newspapers today feature reports on the anti-globalisation protests that took place over the weekend at the G8 summit in Italy. There was also coverage of Berlin's Love Parade, an annual techno music festival that draws youths from around Europe.

MLADA FRONTA DNES reports that children in foster care must wait longer to receive an adoptive family. The judicial procedure for adoption can take up to several years in the Czech Republic, as a new law mandates that courts must verify that the biological parents have no interest in raising their children.

Up to five different court rulings must occur before a child can be put up for adoption. During this time, infants must go to a special foster home before the adoption process can begin. Critics argue that the new law is detrimental because it prolongs the time that a child spends without a parent.

PRAVO says that estimated flood damage in Moravia after recent heavy rains could reach up to several million Czech crowns. Around 700 people are expected to apply for loans to re-build property destroyed by flooding. The flood damage is mostly minor, but it covers almost the entire eastern half of the Czech Republic. Residents have now started re-building after a week of heavy rains.

ZEMSKE NOVINY says that the majority of Czechs do not mind the presence of British customs officials at Prague's Ruzyne Airport. Controls were implemented last week in an effort to lessen the pressure on the British asylum system. Human rights organisations have expressed outrage at the move, which is mostly aimed at the Czech Roma population. A recent poll claims, however, that 57% of Czechs do not see the controls as a problem.

HOSPODARSKE NOVINY writes that the flight attendants at the Czech Republic's national airline carrier, Czech Airlines, have decided to support the pilots in their fight to obtain better pay conditions. The pilots went on strike alert last Tuesday. They claim that Czech Airlines violated their contracts and does not pay them enough for over-time work.

LIDOVE NOVINY reports that 75% of Czechs are afraid of eating beef and beef products from fear of contracting BSE, or mad-cow disease. A recent study also claims that another two-thirds do not eat any meat that has been treated with antibiotics or has been genetically-altered. The study also reported that women are more likely not to eat meat for safety reasons.

Author: Helen Belmont
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