• 08/06/2024

    Wednesday should be a scorching hot day with temperatures hitting 32 degrees Celsius. Heat storms are expected in the afternoon hours.

  • 08/06/2024

    The Prague Municipal Court on Tuesday sentenced former Czech soldier Filip Siman to seven years in jail for looting during war operations in Ukraine.  Twenty-seven-year-old Siman said in his defense that he went to help Ukraine because his ancestors came from that country and argued that he took things from Ukrainian homes on the orders of his superiors. However the court had videos that he himself filmed of his looting expeditions in which he was excited and unbashed when stealing special forces berets, jewelry, money, sunglasses and weapons from dead people.  Siman previously spent two years as a professional soldier in the Czech army. He joined the Ukrainian volunteer battalion Carpathian Sich at the end of March 2022 without getting permission from the Czech president. The verdict is not binding.

  • 08/06/2024

    Police have been conducting raids in four regions since early Tuesday in a case involving large-scale corruption, fraud and tax evasion, the Public Prosecutor's Office announced. It confirmed that more than 10 people have been detained.

    Deputy head of the office, Kateřina Doušová, said the raid on offices and private homes was taking place in  Ústí nad Labem, Karlovy Vary, Central Bohemia and Moravia-Silesia. The crackdown concerns public procurement, tax crimes and corruption," Doušová told reporters. According to media reports  the mayor of Chomutov, Marek Hrabáč, was among those detained.

  • 08/06/2024

    Recruitment agencies and the Czech Labour Office are expanding their activities in retraining people who have lost their job to those who are open to the idea of new challenges and a career change. It is offering requalification courses to people who are currently employed. According to Labour Office head Daniel Krištof more than 20, 000 people have enrolled in the courses in the first six months of this year, which is almost two-fifths more than a year ago. The participants are mostly aged between 35 and 55. The Labour Office is thus gradually preparing employees for changes on the labour market linked to AI.

  • 08/06/2024

    The Czech Interior Ministry has raised objections to plans by Prague City Hall to ban the use of animals in begging across the capital. The ministry said a blanket ban on begging with animals could contradict the case law of the Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights, according to which begging is a fundamental human right. Prague City Hall spokesman Vít Hofman said the municipality would modify the proposal so that the ban would not apply across the board, but only in selected locations, mostly in the city centre.

  • 08/06/2024

    Nikolai Lischenyuk, a key ally of Russian Patriarch Kirill and leader of the Russian Orthodox Church in Czechia, has been expelled by Czech authorities due to national security concerns. The news site Deník N reports that the intelligence services indicated his activities posed a threat to the state. Lischenyuk’s permanent residency was revoked, and he was ordered to leave the country. This move underscores the Czech Republic’s vigilance against potential security risks associated with foreign nationals. The decision reflects broader geopolitical tensions and the scrutiny of Russian influence in Europe.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 08/06/2024

    Eighty parties, movements, and coalitions participating in the upcoming Czech regional elections in October receive their ballot numbers on Tuesday, determined by the State Election Commission lottery. These numbers will help distinguish their ballots and can be used in election campaigns. Additionally, 169 Senate candidates will also receive their numbers, which will be drawn locally in each of the 27 Senate districts. The regional elections will be held alongside the first round of Senate elections on September 20-21, with a potential second Senate round the following week.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 08/05/2024

    Czech firefighters concluded their mission in North Macedonia on Monday and returned home. They had been assisting with large forest fires since early August. The team included a helicopter crew, two rescue pilots, and a mission commander. Operating from Skopje, the Black Hawk helicopter made around 30 water drops daily to control the fires. High temperatures and strong winds exacerbated the fire situation in the Balkans this summer. Czech firefighters also helped combat forest fires in Bulgaria in July.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 08/05/2024

    Czechia has established its first contact center for extraterrestrials at the Brno Observatory and Planetarium. According to the news portal Novinky.cz, this initiative, primarily a humorous effort by astronomers, aims to educate the public about unusual phenomena in the sky and promote science. The center includes email and web resources for reporting sightings. Aleš Svoboda, the Czech backup astronaut for the European Space Agency, serves as the ambassador. The initiative coincides with the Planet Festival in Brno, attracting many sci-fi enthusiasts.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 08/05/2024

    In July, Czech firefighters dealt with hundreds more insect nests, including wasps and hornets, compared to last year. Despite this increase, experts say wasps are not overpopulated but are more active due to warm, dry weather. Most incidents occur near homes, with nests often found in attics, roofs, and garden sheds. Wasps play a vital role in the ecosystem, serving as predators and pollinators. The Plzeň region saw the highest number of interventions, while Liberec had the fewest.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
