• 04/08/2023

    Bohuslav Korejs, choirmaster and longtime regenschori of Týn Cathedral in Prague, died on Friday at the age of 97, the Czech Bishops' Conference reported. Korejs set psalms to music in Czech, and his collection is still the most widely used musical manual for church organists in the Czech lands. In 2015, he received an award from the Ministry of Culture for his lifelong work in the field.

  • 04/08/2023

    Czechia will explicitly name Russia and China as security threats in its new security and defense strategy documents, according to Jan Jireš from the Ministry of Defense. Until now, the respective documents contained general formulations such as "certain states" or "instability and regional conflicts in the Euro-Atlantic area".  Senior officials at the defense and foreign ministries are working on new documents that will define the Czech position, ambitions and plans in security and defense policy, taking into account the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the changed global security situation, Jireš said.

  • 04/07/2023

    Saturday should be largely overcast with scattered showers and day temperatures between 6 and 11 degrees Celsius. In Moravia they could be as low as 3 degrees.

  • 04/07/2023

    MEPs from the opposition Freedom and Direct Democracy Party want to push through an amendment to the Czech law which would bind producers to prominently label all insect-based foodstuffs. This is so that consumers can clearly see that they are buying a product with insect protein. A poll on Seznam.cz indicates that 94 percent of Czechs approve of this.

    As of this year food producers in the European Union can use four species of insects and larvae, whole or ground. They are currently used in protein bars, flour and other products.

  • 04/07/2023

    Czech Railways have launched a student design competition for a new type of wooden shelters for passengers located in protected landscape areas. The shelters should not stand out or disrupt the natural character of the area. The winning designs will be constructed.

    Students of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology of Czech University have put forward numerous designs. The competition entries can be viewed by the public until the end of April at the Railway Administration's information centre at Prague's main railway station.

  • 04/07/2023

    The Prague Transport authority has announced that due to scheduled maintenance work over the Easter break sections of the Prague Metro’ s A and C lines will be out of operation between Friday morning and Tuesday morning. A replacement bus service will be available for passengers. More information is available at dpp.cz

  • 04/07/2023

    Traffic police will be out in force to monitor adherence to traffic regulations over the Easter holidays, the head of the force Jiří Zlý, told the news site Novinky.cz. Many people leave the big cities and head for their country cottages for Easter and Easter Monday is traditionally linked to a higher consumption of alcohol around the country. Speeding and drink driving are among the most frequent traffic violations in Czechia.

  • 04/07/2023

    Public trust in the government, Senate and local governments has seen a slight drop in February and March, according to the outcome of a survey conducted by the CVVM agency.

    The government received a 33 percent trust rating, down by one percent compared to the end of last year. The Chamber of Deputies enjoys the same level of trust at 33 percent. The Senate is now trusted by 36 percent of respondents, compared to 41 percent at the turn of the year. Confidence in regional governors fell from 53 to 45 percent. Trust in regional councils dropped from 55 to 46 percent at the start of the year.

    Mayors and municipal councilors are currently trusted by 65 percent of Czechs.

  • 04/07/2023

    Czech farmers have protested against imports of cheap grains from Ukraine which will make it difficult for them to sell their own produce. They also point to the fact that the duty-free wheat, corn and soya from Ukraine, which is being imported to a number of central and east European countries, does not meet strict EU quality norms.

    EU agriculture ministers are due to meet in Brussels to address the problem and try to  ensure that Ukrainian grain passing through solidarity corridors, with the aim of reaching countries dependent on grain imports, does not create a glut in Europe. The EU introduced the corridors through its territory to help Ukraine, and prevent a famine in other parts of the world.

  • 04/06/2023

    The Czech state plans to start construction on 105 kilometres of highways and 18 kilometres of Class I roads this year, the Czech News Agency reported on Thursday.

    Some 15.4 kilometres of new highways will open this year, with that number increasing in the coming years due to the large amount of planned construction.

    Next year there could be up to 118 kilometres of newly opened stretches of highway, according to transport minister Martin Kupka and the Director General of the Directorate of Roads and Highways Radek Mátl.

    Author: Anna Fodor
