• 08/13/2024

    Wednesday should be a scorching hot day with temperatures between 29 and 34 degrees, possibly as high as 36 in Moravia.

  • 08/13/2024

    Meteorologists have issued a heatwave warning for Wednesday, when high temperatures are expected to peak at 34 degrees Celsius or more in southern Moravia. The hottest week of the year so far is also expected to bring heavy thunderstorms, accompanied by hailstones and strong winds. People are being advised to stay out of the midday sun as much as possible and increase their intake of liquids. Police have warned people not to leave young children or pets in cars for even a short while. Traffic police say that the heat is also affecting drivers and has resulted in an increased number of accidents.

  • 08/13/2024

    The railway bridge on Výton will be replaced by a new construction and will be moved to a location near the Modřany dam, where it will serve as a footbridge for pedestrians and cyclists, the Prague City Council announced on Monday. It selected the new site for the bridge on the basis of a study of possible locations prepared by the Institute of Planning and Development. The Railway Administration plans to replace the bridge, which is in poor condition, but thanks to its protected status it will be moved, not demolished.

  • 08/13/2024

    The Czech embassy in Athens has advised Czech tourists in Greece to monitor current information on the spread of wildfires, pay attention to media reports and not take risks. According to the embassy, there is currently a very high risk of fire throughout the Attica region and central Greece, including the island of Evia. Around 2,800 Czech travelers have registered with the Czech Foreign Ministry’s Drozd travel data base, thanks to which they get regular updates, but the ministry says that tens of thousands of Czechs could actually be staying in the country at this time.

  • 08/13/2024

    Prague is planning to build a floating heliport on the Vltava River. The investment plan to the tune of CZK 52 million was approved by the Prague City Council this week. If everything goes according to plan, the heliport should be finished and put into operation next year. It will be located on the right bank of the Vltava River close to the Rašín Embankment near the Vyšehrad Tunnel. It should serve primarity patients of the  General University Hospital, the Institute for Mother and Child Care in Podolí or to the Apolinář Maternity Hospital, which do not have roof heliports.

  • 08/13/2024

    The Czech military is offering civilians the chance to experience a day in the armed forces to see what a soldier's life in the army entails. The project, which will be held for the first time this year, is intended to boost recruitment and to introduce people who are considering serving in the army or as active reserves, to the activities of the 25th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment in Strakonice. This particular regiment is currently in need of recruits, particularly for the positions of driver and operator. Only adult Czech citizens can apply for the chance to become a "soldier for a day". They must have a clean criminal record and need to send an application form to [email protected] by the end of August.

  • 08/13/2024

    Czechia has responded to a call for aid from Greece and is sending a team of 75 firefighters and a rescue team to help battle wildfires raging in the country. The team leaves for Greece on Tuesday. Close to 700 firefighters, 17 aircraft, and 16 helicopters are currently fighting a devastating fire that is now just 11 kms from Athens, the closest a wildfire has come to the city in the country’s modern history. The flames are 25 metres high in some places and several villages have had to be evacuated. France, Italy, Romania and Cyprus are also sending fire crews and emergency teams.

  • 08/12/2024

    Police have charged Petr Bursík, Karlovy Vary Transport Councilor for the Civic Democratic Party, in connection with the Chomutov corruption case. He is being prosecuted for manipulating public contracts, for which he faces up to eight years in prison. He has not been taken into custody. Bursík has denied any wrong-doing, but has said that he will suspend his membership in the Civic Democratic Party, so as not to damage the party ahead of the autumn elections. Fourteen other people have been charged in the massive corruption case that stretches across four regions.

  • 08/12/2024

    Tuesday should be hot and mostly dry with day temperatures between 29 and 33 degrees Celsius.

  • 08/12/2024

    Close to 70,000 people visited the Olympic Festival at Lake Most in the course of the past fortnight, trying out over 50 sports and rooting for Czech athletes at the Paris Olympics. The city will keep two sports venues open for the public after the festival closes - a parkour track and a skate park. The organizers now have eleven days to dismantle the other venues. A model of the Eiffel Tower made of recycled plastic will also be taken down.
