• 08/15/2024

    Wednesday, August 14, was the hottest day of this year in Czechia, the Czech Hydro-meteorological Institute said on its website. The highest temperature, 37.1 degrees Celsius, was recorded in Strážnice in southern Moravia. However, only a few stations report new temperature records, as many stations around the country have record temperatures of 38 degrees Celsius set in 2015.

    Due to the hot and dry weather there is a fire warning in place around the country.

  • 08/15/2024

    The Czech Ministry of Defence has denied that the Czech ammunition initiative for Ukraine is intransparent and that the artillery ammunition procured from outside the EU with funds from NATO allies is overpriced. The statement came in response to claims by Senator Lukáš Wagenknecht from the Pirate Party, who told a meeting of the Senate committee for oversight of public funds, that the ammunition procured was overpriced by CZK 1.4 billion. The ministry said this was false information adding that it was ready to provide details of the sales in a closed session. It accused the senator of harming Ukraine’s interests by questioning the initiative and endangering a further supply of badly needed ammunition to the country.

  • 08/15/2024

    A convoy of about 75 Czech firefighters and rescuers arrived in Athens early Thursday. The team is there to assist with extinguishing a large wildfire that broke out near the Greek capital on Sunday. It includes 31 technical vehicles and nine water tankers, and is part of an international aid effort requested by Greece. The wildfire, which has threatened the outskirts of Athens and led to the evacuation of numerous areas, has already destroyed over 104 square kilometers and claimed at least one life. The situation has slightly improved, but high fire warnings remain in place.

  • 08/14/2024

    The Lány Forest Administration is planning to open a museum and start regular guided tours for the public as of 2025. The Lany Forest Administration is a contributory organization of the Office of the President, which manages almost 5,800 hectares of state land. According to its director, Michal Pernica, it will need to focus more on the quality of game farming, as the current numbers are too high and the animals are damaging vegetation. There are presently around 3,000 animals in the game reserve, the target in four years is around a quarter.

  • 08/14/2024

    Thursday should be partly cloudy to overcast with rain in the eastern parts of the country and daytime highs between 28 and 34 degrees Celsius.

  • 08/14/2024

    This July was the seventh warmest since the start of monitoring in 1961, the Czech Hydro-meteorological Office reported. On seventeen days of the month daytime highs exceeded 30 degrees Celsius. The average monthly temperature was 19.8 degrees Celsius. The hottest July to date was registered in Czechia in 2006 with an average monthly temperature of 21.3 degrees Celsius.

  • 08/14/2024

    Almost a third of Czech pensioners retired early and the number of people unwilling to work until their set retirement age has doubled in the last two decades, according to data released by the Czech Social Security Administration. In June of this year, around 754,400 pensioners had their pensions reduced for life due to early retirement. In recent years, interest in early retirement rose sharply due to favorable conditions. The government tightened the rules last year. According to 2024 statistics, pensioners who retired early account for about 32 percent of all old-age pensioners in Czechia.

  • 08/14/2024

    The leadership of the opposition ANO party has expelled the mayor of Chomutov, Marek Hrabáč, who is accused of fraud, from party ranks and has struck him from the party’s list of candidates for the upcoming local and Senate elections. Hrabáč, who was the party’s election leader in the Ústí nad Labem region will be replaced by the party’s deputy chair Richard Brabec, who was originally in 13th place on the party ticket. Hrabáč has been accused of accepting bribes, manipulating public contracts, tax evasion and abuse of power and is currently in detention.

  • 08/14/2024

    The Russian prosecutor's office is demanding a ban on the distribution of the computer game Last Train Home, developed by Ashborne Games in Brno. According to the Russian authorities, the game about Czechoslovak legionnaires incites hatred against Russia and the soldiers of the Red Army. The prosecutor's office claims that the game does not correspond to the "traditional values of contemporary Russian society, contains false information about the activities of the state authorities of the time and glorifies the representatives of the Czechoslovak legions".  Last Train Home takes players on "a desperate mission into the depths of the war-torn wasteland and unforgiving landscape of Siberia" recounting the experiences of Czechoslovak legionnaires and their determination to return to the newly formed Czechoslovak Republic after World War I.

  • 08/14/2024

    The Foreign Ministry is planning to move the Czech embassy in Kyiv to a new location, according to a  ctk news agency report citing ministry sources. In late July the government reportedly approved a plan to buy and reconstruct a new building, for approximately half a billion crowns. According to Mariana Wernerová of the Foreign Ministry's press department, the ministry has sought to find a more suitable embassy building since 1993, both because of inadequate capacity and more recently in view of the need to ensure a higher level of protection. The reconstruction of the new building should be completed by the end of 2027.
