• 07/26/2023

    The Diplomatic Service, which works closely with the Czech Foreign Ministry and is primarily responsible for the administration and management of Czech real estate for use as embassies by other countries, has filed a lawsuit against Russia at the Municipal Court in Prague over its use of real estate in Czechia. The Foreign Ministry told the Czech News Agency that the lawsuit concerns Russia's illegal profiting from the real estate it has been using in Czechia rent-free, which over the past three years has amounted to over CZK 53 million. Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský has stated in the past that Russia has been using the land for commercial rather than diplomatic purposes.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 07/26/2023

    The agreement signed last February by the Czech and Polish governments regarding the controversial Turow mine, over which Czechia and Poland had been in dispute for a number of years, is still the best possible solution for Czechia and the people living near the mine, Prime Minister Petr Fiala has said. He made the statement in response to an announcement on Monday by the Czech Geological Survey that the underground sealing wall, which was one of the measures stipulated in the agreement and is supposed to stop water draining from Czech territory to the Polish mine, has so far not had any discernible positive effect.

    Environmentalists argue that the wall is in the wrong place and will not prevent water from flowing out. However, Mr. Fiala said that it was clear from the beginning that it would take time before the positive effects would be felt on the Czech side of the border. He added that some organisations and individuals have opposed the Czech-Polish agreement from the start, and it is therefore not surprising that they are trying to discredit it now.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 07/26/2023

    Danish goalkeeper Peter Vindahl Jensen has joined the Czech football team of Sparta Praha. He will play there for 12 months as a host and the club then has an option to buy him from Dutch side Alkmaar, Sparta announced on its website.

    Jensen will join several other Danes in Sparta. The team's main coach is Brian Priske and there are also two defenders from Denmark, Casper Hojer and Asger Sorensen, in the team that won the Czech league last season.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 07/26/2023

    The Russian Foreign Ministry says the Czech authorities are engaging in "destructive foreign policy actions" instead of addressing the country's own chronic problems.

    In its annual report on human rights around the world the ministry claims that the functioning of the media in Czechia is a source of criticism and the state of freedom of speech is also said to be of "concern". It also says the recent years have marked a continuous slide of Prague towards a Russophobic course.

    The Czech Foreign Ministry responded by saying that “we do not kidnap children, bomb hospitals and occupy neighbouring countries," advising Moscow to "get out" of Ukraine, which Russia invaded more than 500 days ago.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 07/25/2023

    Miloš Vystrčil, the speaker of the Czech upper house of Parliament, held talks with Kung Ming-sin, Minister of the National Development Council of Taiwan, on Tuesday.

    The chairman of the Senate received a shirt with his portrait and the inscription "I am Taiwanese" as a gift. The slogan reflects Vystrčil's words from his visit to Taiwan in 2020, when he paraphrased the famous statement by US President John Kennedy.

    While Czechia says it respects Beijing’s One China policy in recent years it has intensified its support of Taiwan.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 07/25/2023

    Wednesday will be mostly overcast with rain and day temperatures ranging between 17 and 21 degrees Celsius.

  • 07/25/2023

    Prague Airport handled 5.8 million passengers in the first half of 2023, up by 36 percent on the previous year, according to the fresh data released on Tuesday. Despite the year-on-year growth, Václav Havel Airport did not equal the figures from 2019, when it handled 7.8 million people in its first six months.

    Most flights from Prague were to London, with over half a million people travelling there in total. Paris came second with around 335,000 passengers, followed by Milan, Amsterdam and Istanbul. In terms of countries, the United Kingdom was the most popular in the first six months, followed by Italy and Spain.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 07/25/2023

    The number of foreclosures in Czechia has increased, according to freshly released data by the Czech Chamber of Executors. At the beginning of July, there were nearly 660,220 people facing a restraint order over unpaid debts, which was around 48,600 more than in the previous year. At the same time, the number of debtors by 6,200 compared to 2022.

    According to experts, the growth in restraint orders is caused mainly by the worsening economic situation. However, the number of foreclosures and the number of people facing them is still significantly lower than a few years ago.

  • 07/25/2023

    The average price of a lunch menu in restaurants rose by 2.7 percent to CZK 182 in the first six months of this year, according to data from the food voucher company Edenred. Year-on-year it is an increase by nearly five crowns. However, compared to last year, the growth has slowed down considerably.

    People in Liberec, České Budějovice, Pardubice and Plzeň spend the largest part of their income on lunches. In June, it was more than a tenth of the average income. The lowest proportion of wages, 7.8 percent, is spent by people in Prague.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 07/25/2023

    The peregrine falcons in the Jeseníky Mountains in the north-east Bohemia raised a record number of chicks this year, the Czech Nature and Landscape Protection Agency said on Tuesday. A total of 23 pairs of falcons nested in the location, raising 42 young ones.

    In the second half of the last century, falcon numbers declined dramatically due to excessive use of pesticides and other chemicals in agriculture.

    Thanks to conservation efforts, they have been gradually returning to the landscape in recent decades. The first nesting in the Jeseníky Mountains in the country’s modern history dates back to 2001. Since then, the peregrine falcons have raised almost 400 chicks.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
