• 09/03/2023

    Czech universities say they have increasing problems with students cheating in their exams by using AI. The University of Chemical Technology in Prague says its students have cheated in up to half of the tests in some subjects, handing in essays and tests completed by chat bots. The university says it will introduce more frequent oral testing and hand-written tests in the new academic year.

  • 09/03/2023

    Sports climber Adam Ondra has won the legendary Rock Master competition in Arco, Italy  for the seventh time. He defeated the reigning world champion Jakob Schubert of Austria in the final  discipline on Saturday. With his seventh victory Ondra matched the achievement of Spanish record holder Ramón Julián Puigblanque.

  • 09/02/2023

    Sunday should be partly cloudy with rain in the eastern parts of the country and daytime highs between 20 and 24 degrees Celsius.

  • 09/02/2023

    Over 80 percent of Czechs are worried about the impact of the government’s austerity package on their family budget, according to an August survey conducted by Generali Investments.  Three quarters of respondents are most afraid of the VAT increase on some products. Two thirds of Czechs are saving on energy and 60 percent of respondents are also saving on food. More than half of Czechs have cut back on eating out over the past year and a third of respondents are economizing on their hobbies. Due to the relatively high inflation, 67 percent of Czechs fear for their savings.

  • 09/02/2023

    The fountain pen with which Petr Pavel signed the presidential oath of office in March of this year has been auctioned off for 140,000 crowns, a spokesman for the lower house of Parliament told the ctk news agency. The pen was auctioned off at the initiative of the speaker of the lower house , Markéta Pekarová Adamová , and the proceeds will be used in aid of single parents.

  • 09/02/2023

    The debate on EU enlargement has recently gained momentum, the head of the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU Edita Hrdá, said in an interview for the ctk news agency. Hrdá said the EU’s expansion is in the interest of the Czech Republic and the country contributed to it not only during its recent presidency of the EU Council. European Council President Charles Michel said this week that the EU must be ready to accept new members by 2030. According to Hrda, this deadline may be realistic, but it depends on whether member states will join gradually or together in a larger group. She said some EU members were still anxious about the possible problems further expansion could bring.

  • 09/02/2023

    Prime Minister Petr Fiala will undertake a business mission to several African countries in the autumn, the ctk news agency reported. The trip on which the prime minister will be accompanied by leading Czech entrepreneurs is linked to new contracts and orders for the defence industry. Speaking to reporters the prime minister emphasized the key role of the defense industry in the country’s export-oriented economy. The president of Mozambique visited Prague in August and Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský visited Angola and Zambia in June of this year.

  • 09/02/2023

    President Petr Pavel has nominated Judge Pavel Simon to the panel of Constitutional Court judges. Simon is chairman of the Supreme Court panel specializing in state liability for damages and non-pecuniary harm. President Pavel said in a statement that he is convinced that Simon meets the professional and moral requirements for the post. The Senate has 60 days to consider the nomination.

    The president has already appointed five of his nominees as constitutional judges. They are Josef Baxa, Daniela Zemanová, Veronika Křesťanová, civil law professor Kateřina Ronovská and constitutional lawyer Jan Winter. Judge Robert Fremr turned down the appointment following media pressure over his pre-1989 activities in the judiciary. Fourteen of the 15 places on the panel have now been filled.

  • 09/02/2023

    It is practically certain that Sweden will become a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in the near future, most likely this autumn, the Czech ambassador to NATO, Jakub Landovský, said in an interview for the ctk news agency. Hungary and Turkey are the only NATO members that have not yet approved Sweden's application. Landovsky said he believes that strategy, sound reasoning and the importance of the Scandinavian country joining the alliance will ultimately prevail.

  • 09/01/2023

    The Agrofert conglomerate, belonging to the former prime minister Andrej Babiš, is reported to have sold the Mafra group, one of the largest media houses in the country, and other assets, to the Kaprain Group owned by billionaire entrepreneur Karel Pražák.

    The value of the Mafra media group is estimated at around 150 million euros (CZK 3.56 billion).

    The company's publications reach 3.24 million readers and 7.4 million internet visitors. They include Mladá fronta DNES, Hospodářské noviny in Slovakia and many other titles, including Lidové noviny, the oldest Czech daily. Mafra has also incorporated Bauer Media's magazine portfolio under its brand and operates the Óčko television station and Radio Impuls.

    Babiš was repeatedly criticized for ownership of Mafra while he was prime minister. A new law approved by Parliament bans politicians in high posts from owning media outlets.
