• 09/19/2023

    Police officers from the National Center Against Organized Crime (NCOZ) raided offices at the Czech Army General Staff and other private locations early on Tuesday. According to the ctk news agency, the action, supervised by the Prague High State Prosecutor's Office, concerns army contracts. The news agency reported that the police has filed charges against nine people in connection with the case. According to Denik N the case is linked to a 2022 corruption case at Prague City Hall and the Prague Transport Company.

  • 09/19/2023

    Two-thirds of Czechs are satisfied with Czechia’s membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, according to the results of a survey published by the Centre for Public Opinion Research of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Compared to last spring this represents a slight decrease, but the proportion of those satisfied remains higher than in previous years. Twenty-six percent of respondents said they were not happy with the country's membership in NATO, on the argument that membership in the alliance restricted the country's sovereignty. Over 70 percent of Czechs are convinced NATO is essential to global security and half of the respondents said it is a guarantee of the country’s independence.

  • 09/19/2023

    Czechia has improved its ranking in the Economic Freedom of the World Index published by the Canadian Fraser Institute. The country is now in 17th place, compared to last year’s 22nd ranking. Czechia improved in four of the five index indicators, with only high inflation pulling it down. Finland and Sweden are also ranked 17th. Germany is ranked 23rd, Austria 28th, Slovakia 41st, Hungary 49th and Poland 59th. According to the Prague-based Liberal Institute, Czechia now has the freest economy in Central Europe. Singapore topped the rankings.

  • 09/19/2023

    Some Czech regions complain that the system according to which tax revenues are distributed from state coffers is unfair and are calling for it to be revised. The Central Bohemia Region authorities want to submit an amendment to the law to the lower house in which the present criteria would be replaced by a system that takes into account demographic changes, the structure of the region or the length of roads that it needs to maintain. Under the present legislation, which has been in place since the year 2,000, tax revenues are allocated as a set percentage of the overall revenue raised. The Central Bohemian region says that if the system is not amended it will file a complaint about it to the Constitutional Court. The Pardubice Region and the Zlín Region support the call.

  • 09/19/2023

    Czech power giant ČEZ has put back the deadline for final bids to construct a new nuclear unit at Dukovany by almost a month until October 31, a spokesperson said on Tuesday. The move is being made at the request of one of the three firms in the running for the key contract. The new block should be completed by 2036 and the extension of the deadline will not affect the project’s timeline.

    The bidders are EDF from France, South Korea’s KHNP and Westinghouse from North America.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 09/19/2023

    In an internal vote, members of the Pirate Party have called on its representatives in the governing coalition to demand the immediate removal of Pavel Blažek of the Civic Democrats as justice minister. The vote was convened after reports of a meeting between the minister and Martin Nejedlý, a close associate of ex-president Miloš Zeman with ties to Russia.

    The Pirates also voted to call on leader Ivan Bartoš to discuss the matter with the Mayors party, with which the Pirates stood in the last elections.

    The prime minister, Petr Fiala of the Civic Democrats, says ministers are chosen by whichever party controls a particular ministry.

    The head of the Mayors and Independents Party, Vít Rakušan, responded by saying the decision was in the hands of the Civic Democrats.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 09/18/2023

    The road to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals set eight years ago under the 2030 Agenda is in great difficulty, with the Russian aggression in Ukraine having a direct impact, the Czech president, Petr Pavel, said on Monday at a United Nations summit in New York.

    Mr. Pavel said that Czechia was aware of its global responsibility and will therefore send USD 4 milion (about CZK 92 million) to the UN Green Climate Fund between 2024 and 2027 to support developing countries. The Czech government has already decided to do so.

    The Czech head of state is also due to make an address in the general debate of the UN General Assembly on Tuesday.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 09/18/2023

    Students from a German secondary school are to perform the children’s opera Brundibár at the former Terezín ghetto in Bohemia, 80 years after it was first staged by Jewish inmates there during World War II, a spokesperson for the Terezín Memorial said on Monday. Interest in the event is great and few spaces remain for the event at the Magdeburg Barracks.

    Brundibár, which was written by Hans Krása, was first performed on September 23, 1943.

    The school company and orchestra from Germany’s Wülfrath have already staged the children’s opera elsewhere, including in Israel with survivor Zvi Cohen, who took part in it in Terezín during the Holocaust.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 09/18/2023

    While countries on the outer edge of the EU’s Schengen Zone are banning the entry of cars with Russian license plates, Czechia only has an “air border” with Russia and a ban on flights from the country is already in effect, the minister of the interior, Vít Rakušan, said on Monday.

    Poland prohibited cars with Russian registration from entering the country at the weekend, following similar moves by Finland and the Baltic States.

    Mr. Rakušan told reporters that the Czechs had brought in a ban on Russians with Schengen visas at its airports. He said his government had been the first to suspend the issuance of visas to Russian citizens, the day after the full invasion of Ukraine began.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 09/18/2023

    Construction work on a new CZK 6 billion multi-functional hall in Brno began on Monday. The hall, located at the site of the Brno Exhibition Centre, will have a capacity of 13,000. It will be used by the city’s Kometa ice hockey club but will also host a range of other events.

    Prime Minister Petr Fiala said in Brno on Monday that the project showed that the city had major ambitions.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
