• 09/23/2023

    Michael Šrámek unexpectedly quit this week as head of the Agency for Real Estate Management under the Ministry of Defence.  Šrámek's departure after only ten months in office was reported by Lidovky.cz. No reason was given except that it was by "mutual agreement".  Neither the ministry nor Šrámek would comment.

  • 09/23/2023

    Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský has confirmed two new postings abroad: Břetislav Dančák will be the new Czech ambassador to Poland and Radek Pech will present his credentials in Ukraine. Both have already received the so-called agrément from their host countries. Mr. Lipavsky said they would be taking up their posts in the autumn. Dančák has worked his entire professional life in academia, serving as vice-rector at Masaryk University in Brno. Pech, the current ambassador to Denmark, is a seasoned diplomat who has previously served as ambassador in Finland, Estonia, Lithuania and a number of other countries.

  • 09/23/2023

    The Geman and Czech police are planning to take coordinated measures against illegal migration, in response to the worsening situation on the Balkans route. Czech Interior Minister Vít Rakušan said the two sides were considering a number of measures, including reinstating permanent checks at selected border crossings. He said further talks with his German counterpart Nancy Faeser would take place next week. Similar consultations are underway with Slovakia.

    In the course of September, the Czech police detained dozens of illegal migrants from Syria. On Thursday this week officers in South Moravia detained a van carrying 33 refugees during a random road check near the Slovak border. The previous week they stopped a van with 27 migrants from Syria near Hodonín and a few days prior to that eight migrants were detained on a road near Prostějov after the smuggler’s car broke down.

  • 09/23/2023

    The debate in the lower house on the government’s austerity package was curtailed on Friday and will continue on Wednesday, September 27, the ctk news agency reported. As expected, the package has come under fire from the opposition parties and the debate on it could take several weeks. However, the ruling coalition has a comfortable majority in both houses and is in a position to push it through.

    The package, aimed at lowering the state deficit, will raise taxes for individuals and companies, result in  layoffs, lower wages in the public sector, and further increase consumer prices. It aims to cut the deficit by a total of CZK 150 billion by 2025.

  • 09/22/2023

    The lower house of Parliament has started debating the government’s austerity package, aimed at reducing the state budget deficit, in its final reading. The package will raise taxes for individuals and companies, introduce layoffs, lower wages in the public sector, and further increase consumer prices. It aims to save 94 billion CZK (around EUR 4 billion) in 2023 and generate potential savings of up to CZK 150.7 billion combined for 2024 and 2025. The measures have come under fire from the opposition parties, which are expected to table numerous amendments and delay the bill’s approval for as long as possible. However, the ruling coalition has a comfortable majority in both houses and is in a position to push it through.

  • 09/22/2023

    Saturday should be mostly overcast around the country with rain in the southern and eastern regions and day temperatures between 15 and 19 degrees Celsius.

  • 09/22/2023

    Police officers in South Moravia detained a van carrying 33 refugees from Syria on Thursday evening during a random road check near the Slovak border. Among them were ten children. The driver has been charged with people smuggling. It is the fifth such incident this month. Last weekend the police detained a van with 27 migrants from Syria near Hodonín and a few days prior to that eight migrants were detained on a road near Prostějov after the smuggler’s car broke down.

  • 09/22/2023

    Czech Railways is planning to increase ticket prices by around ten percent as of December, with the onset of a new timetable, the news site Novinky reported. The discount for students and seniors will remain. Just a year ago the largest domestic railway carrier increased the price of tickets by 15 percent. The state-owned company managed to return to profit last year after three years of losses.

  • 09/22/2023

    The Venus of Dolní Věstonice, a ceramic statuette of a naked woman believed to be 29,000 years old and considered one of the oldest artefacts of its kind in the world, has been transported to Prague under tight security. This priceless item of prehistoric art was found at a Stone Age settlement in the Moravian basin south of Brno, and is rarely displayed in public. It will be shown at a joint exhibition of the National Museum and the Museum of Moravia which opens on Friday, September 22 and will run until the end of February.

  • 09/22/2023

    Czech President Petr Pavel will end his working visit to the United States, where he attended a meeting of the UN General Assembly, with a trip to the arms factory Colt CZ in Hartford, Connecticut on Friday.  Colt, an American arms manufacturer whose tradition dates back to the mid-19th century, was bought by the CZG - Česká zbrojovka Group in 2021. The company later changed its name to Colt CZ Group.

    On Thursday President Pavel met with Czech expats in New York, visited an exhibition at the Czech Center and the One Vanderbildt skyscraper. At the exhibition, which was prepared to mark 30 years since the break-up of Czechoslovakia, the president met with its curator, Charlotte Kotíková, the great-granddaughter of the first Czechoslovak president, Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk.

    In the 2020 census, 1.4 million people in the United States claimed Czech roots or identity.
