• 09/15/2023

    Healthcare unions say they will file a complaint to the European Commission over a controversial amendment to the Labour Code concerning overtime work for doctors and paramedics. Martin Engel, chairman of the Association of Czech Doctors, says the amendment which allows doctors to serve up to double the amount of overtime against the current legislation, will put patients at risk. Thousands of doctors have protested against the amendment on the grounds that they are already heavily overworked and have threatened to refuse to serve any overtime hours if it is enforced.

  • 09/14/2023

    Friday should be bright and sunny with daytime highs between 20 and 24 degrees Celsius.

  • 09/14/2023

    The Prague High Court on Thursday ruled on an appeal in the Stork’s Nest case in which the former prime minister and ANO party leader Andrej Babiš and his former adviser Jana Nagyová were acquitted of EU fraud by the Prague Municipal Court in January. The court ruled in a closed hearing. The outcome of Thursday’s appeal ruling will not be disclosed until it has been delivered to the prosecutor and defence lawyers. However, according to legal experts contacted by the ctk news agency, the procedure indicates that the Prague High Court decided to return the case to the Prague Municipal Court for a new hearing.

    Mr. Babiš and his former adviser stood trial for manipulating ownership rights to the Stork’s Nest company, which was part of his multi-billion crown empire, so that it could meet EU grant conditions for a small and medium-sized business.

  • 09/14/2023

    Refugees from Ukraine will likely be able to extend their temporary protection in Czechia for another year, until the end of March 2025. The respective amendment to the law, known as Lex Ukraine, was approved by the government on Wednesday and will now be put to a vote in Parliament. According to the Interior Ministry, which submitted the bill, the course of the war in Ukraine does not indicate that Ukrainian refugees will be able to return home in the near future. There are currently over 365, 800 Ukrainians with temporary protection in Czechia, the majority of them are women and children.

  • 09/14/2023

    People in Czechia should soon be able to use digital credentials instead of the paper or plastic ID cards that are now essential in dealing with the authorities, according to an amendment to the law approved by the government on Wednesday. Digital identification will not replace physical IDs, but people will no longer have to carry them. The digital document will require a mobile phone app, to be developed by the Digital and Information Agency. People will send a request for identification through the app, proving their bank identity or other means of electronic identity verification. The app will then generate a code which the verifying authority, such as the police or the post office, can check in its own reader app. The project should cost the state administration about half a billion crowns to launch, while annual operating costs are estimated at around 50 million crowns.

  • 09/14/2023

    The West needs to prepare for a long war in Ukraine and to deal with an increasingly hostile Russia even after it is over, Czech Chief of the General Staff Karel Řehka said in an interview for Reuters. He  said he was not frustrated with the pace of Ukraine's counter-offensive, although some Western military officials have expressed concern about its slow progress. “This is what a military offensive looks like. It's not like a World War II movie. It takes time," Řehka said, noting that neither of the warring sides has the capacity to achieve their stated goals anytime soon. He stressed it was important to keep supporting Ukraine, adding that Czechia still has arms in storage that it can provide.

  • 09/14/2023

    Old-age, disability and widows’ and widowers’ pensions will increase by CZK 360 a month for all recipients from January, the minister of labour and social affairs, Marian Jurečka, said after the cabinet approved a regular indexation on Wednesday.

    According to data from his ministry, the average old-age pension should be above CZK 20,600 a month in January. Mr. Jurečka said last week that the increase would increase pensions spending by CZK 12.3 billion next year.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 09/14/2023

    The Czech government has approved a plan to renovate and develop the fortress towns of Terezín in the Ústí nad Labem Region and Josefov in East Bohemia. In the coming five years up to CZK 1.7 billion will be invested in saving the most derelict buildings in the towns, while another CZK 1.2 billion will go into development between 2024 and 2033. The decision was announced by the minister of regional development, Ivan Bartoš, and the arts minister, Martin Baxa.

    Terezín and Josefov were built in the 18th century by Emperor Joseph II as a defence against invasions from Prussia. During World War II, the former, known as Theresienstadt in German, became a symbol of persecution and genocide when the Nazis set up a Gestapo prison and Jewish ghetto there.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 09/13/2023

    The stories of the Czechoslovak airmen of the UK’s Royal Air Force show that even in a small country there are individuals who can make an indelible mark on world history, the Czech Air Force Commander, Petr Čepelka, said at a commemorative meeting at Prague’s Klárov on Wednesday afternoon. He said the army’s present day aviators were building on the legacy of their predecessors, trying to develop it and pass it on to the next generation.

    The commemoration of the heroes of the WWII resistance, which took place as part of celebrations of a special air force day, began with a flyover of two Gripen jets. There was a minute’s silence before the national anthems of Czechia, Slovakia and the UK were played.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 09/13/2023

    Czechia will push for support for Ukraine and the punishment of Russia for its war on that country during a visit to the United States by President Petr Pavel and Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský starting on Sunday, the former’s office said on Wednesday.

    Mr. Pavel is due to speak at the 78th UN General Assembly in New York on Tuesday and will also hold talks with a number of leaders, including UN Secretary General Antonio Gutteres.

    He and Mr Lipavský plan to present the Czech candidacy for the UN Security Council for the years 2032 and 2033.

    Mr. Lipavský will also meet high-level UN officials and counterparts from various countries and will use bilateral meetings to conduct outreach to the countries of the Global South, a spokesperson said.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
