• 09/26/2023

    Some 130 health care workers from the Prague hospital Na Homolce are suing the hospital for violating the Labour Code. They claim that the work burden is such that they do not have time for lunch breaks and say the hospital does not reimburse them for the overtime they put in. The suit was filed mostly by nurses, but also by several doctors. According to the Labour Code hospital employees are entitled to at least a 30-minute break for food and rest after six hours of work, but many complain that work pressure does not allow this. In a related development many doctors have threatened to stop working overtime after an amendment was passed doubling their overtime hours.

  • 09/26/2023

    European Commission Vice President for Values and Transparency Věra Jourová has confirmed that she will not be seeking a third term in Brussels. Speaking to an audience at a POLITICO event on Monday, Jourova said that she was not even sure if she would return to Czech politics, adding that after 10 years in high posts, it might be time for a “political detox”.

    Politico notes that Jourová was first nominated to the Commission in 2014 by the former Czech prime minister Andrej Babiš and since Babiš’ ANO party is now in the opposition, it is unlikely that Jourová would get the necessary support for another mandate.

  • 09/25/2023

    Tuesday should be clear to partly cloudy with day temperatures between 22 and 27 degrees Celsius.

  • 09/25/2023

    A Russian agent operating in Czechia paid selected journalists several thousand euros to secure the spread of Russian propaganda in this country, Michal Koudelka, head of the counter-intelligence service BIS said at conference on disinformation in the Czech lower house of Parliament on Monday. Mr. Koudelka said that even before the war in Ukraine the agent in question paid for pro-Russian articles and financed trips abroad. The counter-intelligence service also registered efforts on the part of Russian agents to establish ties with the leaders of anti-government demonstrations in Czechia. At the same time, the head of the BIS said that the impact of this disinformation campaign on the population was less effective than expected.

  • 09/25/2023

    The Czech Film and Television Academy has expressed support for Polish director Agnieszka Holland, who has come under fire in her home country Poland over her prize-winning refugee drama Green Border. Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro described the film as "neo-Nazi propaganda", further escalating attacks on the artist, which include threats of physical liquidation.

    The Czech Film and Television Academy issued a statement denouncing the attacks, saying they were not only a vile attack against her person, but against free artistic expression, which is one of the pillars of European culture and a means of social dialogue.

    Green Border won the special jury prize in Venice last month. It tells the story of a Syrian family trying to get to Europe via the Belarus-Poland border in 2021, and the brutal treatment they receive at the hands of Polish border guards.

  • 09/25/2023

    General Pavel Kolář has asked to be released form the post of Commander of the International Observer Mission in Sinai, a spokesperson for the General Staff confirmed on Monday. Kolář reportedly cited personal reasons. He was appointed head of the mission, which oversees the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt, at the beginning of March this year. He was to have commanded more than 1,100 soldiers and about 800 civilian staff for two years. The Czech army first joined the mission in 2009. It now has a 15-strong air team operating CASA C-295M aircraft, which is tasked with monitoring the situation and securing transportation of personnel and material.

  • 09/25/2023

    Czech Health Minister Vlastimil Válek and Czech Labor Minister Marian Jurečka have promised to submit an amendment to the Labor Code that would abolish the recently approved increase in overtime work for doctors. The U-turn on a legislation pushed through by the ruling parties came in response to growing anger on the part of thousands of doctors who have said they are already heavily overworked and will refuse to serve any overtime if the amendment comes into effect. The amendment allows the number of overtime hours medics work per year to roughly double – up to 832 hours for doctors and 1000 hours for paramedics.

  • 09/25/2023

    The future Czech EU Commissioner is to be nominated jointly by the Pirate Party and the Mayors and Independents, lower house deputy speaker, Olga Richterová, announced on Sunday. She said the prime minister had confirmed that the nomination should be made jointly, as the parties ran together in the elections two years ago. Proposals can be submitted until October 1. Who will replace current EU Commissioner Věra Jourová, who has represented Czechia in the EU executive since 2014, will become clear after the European Parliament elections in the spring of 2024.

  • 09/25/2023

    Hundreds of people attended the reenactment of Battle of White Mountain, a turning point in Czech history that ended the anti-Habsburg uprising and the first part of the Thirty Years' War in 1620. The reenactment of the battle performed on Sunday by over 500 history enthusiasts was organized by the White Mountain civic association and the Knights of the Bohemian Crown for the 19th time this year. The popular event, held on the outskirts of Prague was also attended by actors and spectators from Poland, Germany and France.

  • 09/25/2023

    Robert Fico, former Slovak prime minister and leader of the Smer-Social Democracy Party, which is heading the polls ahead of Saturday's parliamentary elections, has criticized Czech President Petr Pavel for allegedly interfering in the election campaign. Speaking to journalists in New York, the Czech president said that Fico's views were in line with Russian propaganda and his victory in the elections could disrupt Czech-Slovak relations.

    Fico said that while he and Pavel have different views on the war in Ukraine, it is not something that should lead to a deterioration of relations between their two countries, adding that it was unacceptable to try to influence voters in this manner.

    The former Czech presidents Václav Klaus and Miloš Zeman openly expressed support for Fico ahead of this week's election.
