• 09/02/2024

    President Petr Pavel vetoed a bill that would have reduced the role of lay judges in court decisions, including criminal cases in district courts. He argued that such a significant change should have been preceded by a more thorough analysis and broader political debate. This is the first time the Czech President has used his veto since coming to office in 2023. The Ministry of Justice acknowledged the president's decision, stating it is his constitutional right. The government had proposed the change as a cost-saving measure, but Pavel emphasized the importance of lay judges in maintaining public trust and the democratic legitimacy of the judiciary.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 09/02/2024

    The budget for the Office of the President of the Czech Republic is set to increase by over 60 million CZK to 488 million CZK for the next year, according to a proposal released by the Ministry of Finance. The budget, which includes increased spending on the Prague Castle and Lány Chateau, must be approved by the government by the end of September. The overall state budget for 2024 is planned with a deficit of 230 billion CZK, continuing efforts to reduce the deficit from previous years.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 09/02/2024

    A 23-year-old man from Prague was sentenced to 250 hours of community service by the Prague 1 District Court for approving the deadly shooting at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, reported Hospodářské noviny daily. Last December, a student killed 14 people at the university before taking his own life. The sentenced man, Metoděj Matys, made statements in a bar threatening to shoot colleagues and praised the shooter. The court also ordered him to undergo mandatory alcohol and drug treatment. This is the first conviction in connection with approving the university shooting.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 09/02/2024

    Czech President Petr Pavel inaugurated the school year at Zdeněk Petřík Primary School in Kladno, where he handed out sashes to first graders. He encouraged the children to embrace learning, likening school to a castle full of doors leading to new discoveries. The school, known locally as "Stará Amálka," is named after a a nearby village of Lidice teacher killed by the Nazis. Meanwhile, First Lady Eva Pavlová launched a back-to-school campaign in Hanušovice, offering material support through her foundation and the FandiMat app. Last year, Pavel began the school year in the Karlovy Vary region.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 09/02/2024

    Czechia must stop importing Russian oil via the Družba pipeline by December 5, when its EU sanctions exemption expires. As website Hlidacipes.org writes, MERO, the state company managing oil transport, is expanding the IKL and TAL pipelines to fully replace Russian supply. Domestic refineries are also adapting to alternative crude sources. The government is confident that even if Ukraine halts Russian oil transit in 2025, the country’s supply will be secure. The future use of the Družba pipeline is under review, with potential repurposing for Ukrainian oil being considered.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 09/02/2024

    Between 2018 and 2023, the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade (MPO) allocated 5.06 billion CZK to support 415 brownfield regeneration projects for business use, covering less than 10% of the country's registered brownfields, according to the Supreme Audit Office (NKÚ). While the program reduced the number of brownfields, it fell short of the ministry's original goals. Businesses, particularly through the EU-funded OPPIK program, showed the most interest, receiving 4.2 billion CZK for 357 projects. However, concerns were raised about potential inefficiencies, particularly regarding financial intermediaries' fees.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 09/02/2024

    Blind teenage swimmer David Kratochvíl won silver in the 100 mark at the Paralympic Games in Paris on Sunday. It is the 16-year-old’s second medal in his third start at the Games. On Friday he won Czechia’s first gold in the 400m breaststroke.

    The 16-year-old Kratochvil used to play ice hockey until losing his sight because of a serious illness about 10 years ago. His decision to switch from the ice rink to the swimming pool has proved the right one.

    Kratochvil set world records in 50 and 200 meter backstroke last year and went on to win his first gold medal at the para swimming world championships in Manchester, England, in the 400-meter freestyle race.

    Earlier this year, Kratochvil was named the best Czech Paralympic athlete for 2023.

  • 09/02/2024

    Daniel Křetínský has become the richest Czech, topping this year's Euro magazine ranking with a fortune of 390 billion CZK, up from 217 billion last year. He dethroned Renáta Kellnerová and her family, whose wealth increased by 65 billion to 350 billion CZK, or slighlty above 15,5 billion USD. Křetínský is the CEO and 94 percent owner of the EPH energy company. Former Prime Minister Andrej Babiš saw the most significant decline, dropping to seventh place with a decrease of 50 billion CZK, now totaling 85 billion CZK. The Euro ranking has tracked the wealth of the 50 richest Czechs and Slovaks since 2014.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 09/02/2024

    Approximately nine hectares of forest caught fire on Sunday afternoon in Prague's Radotín. Firefighters quickly localized the blaze, but due to hidden hotspots in difficult terrain, a helicopter equipped with a water bucket was deployed. High temperatures and dry conditions complicated the efforts. The fire was under control by early evening, with a helicopter making several water drops to ensure the fire was fully extinguished. Following a final check with a thermal camera, the firefighters began returning to their stations. In response to the fire risk, Prague has imposed a ban on open flames, smoking, and fireworks in high-risk areas.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 09/02/2024

    The new school year started in Czech primary and secondary schools, with approximately 117,900 first graders expected to start their education. While the number of students in primary schools is projected to decrease slightly compared to last year, the number of secondary school students is expected to rise. Various politicians, including President Petr Pavel and Prime Minister Petr Fiala (Civic Democratic Party), participated in the opening ceremonies at schools across the country. Additionally, police increased their presence at crosswalks near schools to ensure student safety.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
