• 01/30/2024

    Czechia has slightly improved its standing in the 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index compiled by Transparency International. The country scored 57 out of a possible 100 points, compared to 56 in 2022. According to Transparency Czech Republic, the lack in significant progress in addressing corruption in this country is “a long-term absence of an effective strategy on the part of this and past governments”. Denmark leads the index with a 90 percent score for the sixth consecutive year, while Somalia is bottom of the list with a score of 11.

    The organization measures the perception of public sector corruption according to 13 data sources including the World Bank, the World Economic Forum and private risk and consulting companies. It ranks 180 countries and territories on a scale from a “highly corrupt” to “very clean”.

  • 01/29/2024

    Tuesday should be partly cloudy to overcast with day temperatures between 1 and 5 degrees Celsius.

  • 01/29/2024

    The number of acute respiratory infections in Czechia  have reached epidemic levels, according to Health Ministry Data. Doctors have reported a 23 percent increase in patients in a week-on-week comparison with 1,748 patients per 100 000 inhabitants. The epidemic threshold is considered to be between 1,600 and 1,800 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. According to the data released, the most affected group are preschool children. On the other hand, according to available statistics, the number of Covid-19 cases appears to be decreasing.

  • 01/29/2024

    The ruling coalition is considering procedural amendments in the lower house that would curb filibustering and obstruction tactics by reducing the amount of time that MPs are allowed to speak in the course of a debate. The governing parties are making the move in response to the latest round of filibustering from the opposition accompanying the government-proposed bill on a postal vote for Czechs living abroad. The initial debate on the postal vote alone took six days with one of the opposition speakers taking the floor for eleven hours. The opposition parties have protested against a change of rules arguing that the governing parties, which have a majority in both chambers, are trying to curb their constitutional rights.

  • 01/29/2024

    Economic advisers to the government and employers' representatives are proposing radical changes to the Labour Code. They argue that in many ways the present Labour Code does not reflect the needs of the evolving market and companies, and are urging greater flexibility in hiring and firing employees, including possible dismissal without cause. Finance Minister Zbyněk Stanjura is in favour of such a change, arguing that with record-low unemployment there is no reason not to loosen the relationship between employee and the employer. According to Novinky.cz the Ministry of Labour is already preparing an amendment to the code, and is considering not only termination of unemployment without cause, but also shortening the two-month notice period to one month or extending the three-month probationary period. Unions are vehemently against the proposed changes.

  • 01/29/2024

    Defence Minister Jana Černochová and US Ambassador to the Czech Republic Bijan Sabet on Monday signed an agreement on the purchase of 24 fifth-generation F-35s for the Czech military. Czechia will pay CZK 150 billion for the fighter jets made by the US manufacturer Lockheed Martin, the most expensive military purchase in the country’s modern history. The first jets should arrive in the country in 2031, the rest will be delivered by 2035. The US aircraft will replace the Swedish Gripen fighters, which Czechia now leases for CZK 1.7 billion a year. The government approved the purchase at the end of last year.

  • 01/29/2024

    The removal of environmental damages inflicted during decades of communist rule is still slow and has not accelerated in recent years, according to a report published by the Supreme Audit Office on Monday. In some instances, the clean-up process has not even started.

    The state has already paid CZK 66.2 billion for the disposal of old environmental burdens, caused by state-owned industrial companies before their privatisation.

    The process of removing all sorts of environmental damages got underway in 1991. At the time of the audit, 120 out of 327 environmental contracts had still not been completed. According to the Environment Ministry's latest estimates, the process of removing old environmental burdens will continue at least until 2042.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 01/29/2024

    The annual Winter Survival games organized by the Czech Defence Ministry and the Defence University in Brno get underway in the Jeseníky Mountains in the north-east of Czechia on Monday.

    Several dozen professional soldiers, military police and mountain rescuers from Czechia and abroad will be taking part in the endurance competition simulating military patrol and rescue operations in unknown and difficult terrain.

    The four-day competition includes disciplines such as mountaineering, downhill and cross-country skiing, avalanche rescue and first aid and two nights spent out in the open. The event is taking place after a three-year break.

  • 01/28/2024

    Siberian iris, or Iris sibirica in Latin, has been named Plant of the Year 2024 by the Czech Botanical Society.

    The blue herbaceous perennial, which is spread all over Europe and Central Asia, is endangered in Czechia and has a protected status.

    The Plant of the Year campaign, which has been taking place in Czechia since 2021, aims to raise awareness of endangered plant species.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 01/28/2024

    Monday will be mostly sunny with day temperatures ranging between 3 and 7 degrees Celsius.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
