• 02/04/2024

    If parliamentary elections had taken place in January, Andrej Babiš's opposition ANO party would have won with 33.4 percent of the vote, according to the latest STEM agency poll, published on Sunday by CNN Prima News. Prime Minister Petr Fiala's Civic Democrats (ODS) would have come in second with 13.2 percent and the Pirate Party third with 11.3 percent. Tomio Okamura's opposition Freedom and Direct Democracy Party (SPD) would have been fourth with 10 percent of the vote.

    Of the remaining three members of the governing coalition, the Mayors and Independents (STAN) and TOP 09 would also have made it into the Chamber of Deputies with seven and five percent of the vote respectively, five percent being the minimum required for representation in parliament. The only party from the governing coalition that would not have reached the five percent threshold would have been the Christian Democrats (KDU-ČSL), who would have finished even behind the Communist and Social Democrat (SOCDEM) parties.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 02/04/2024

    Prague city council is discussing a potential increase in public transport fares, Deník N reported on Sunday. The coalition parties that form the city government have not yet agreed on how much fares should be raised by, but several possibilities are being discussed. One of the proposals on the table is doubling the price of the annual public transport pass, which currently costs CZK 3,650, working out at CZK 10 per day, one of the cheapest in the world. The price has not increased since 2015.

    Deputy Mayor for Transport Zdeněk Hřib from the Pirate Party told Deník N he did not agree with the proposal, saying he wanted public transport to remain affordable for the residents of Prague.

    In recent years, Prague has been grappling with how to ensure the financial sustainability of the city transport company, which suffered especially hard during the coronavirus crisis. Before 2020, passenger fares covered roughly 21 percent of the transport company's costs, while now it is only around 15 percent, with Prague covering the remaining 85 percent from its spending budget. In most other countries the share is closer to 50-50.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 02/04/2024

    Kristýna Zemanová won a silver medal in the under-23 category at the Cyclocross World Championships in Tábor on Sunday. She was beaten by 19-year-old Zoe Bäckstedt from Wales by 44 seconds.

    Zemanová's silver was the second medal won by Czechs in the cycling competition this year, after sixteen-year-old Kryštof Bažant took the bronze for Czechia in the Men's Junior race. He was half a minute behind the winner, Stefano Viezzi from Italy, and 22 seconds behind the silver medallist, Keije Solen from the Netherlands.

    Bažant was competing against over 70 others and Zemanová against more than 30, from as far afield as Australia, Canada, the United States and Japan.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 02/03/2024

    If the US doesn't deliver the promised F-35 fighter jets to Czechia within the deadline agreed in the deal between the two countries, head of the opposition ANO party and former prime minister Andrej Babiš hopes it will be possible to withdraw from the agreement, he told Czech newspapers Novinky and Právo in an interview published on Saturday, adding that Czechia didn't need the jets.

    Defence Minister Jana Černochová and US Ambassador to Czechia Bijan Sabet signed an agreement on the purchase of 24 fifth-generation F-35s for the Czech military on Monday. Czechia will pay CZK 150 billion for the fighter jets made by the US manufacturer Lockheed Martin, the most expensive military purchase in the country’s modern history. The first jets should arrive in the country in 2031, the rest by 2035.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 02/03/2024

    Sunday will see strong winds in Czechia, especially in the Pardubice, South Moravia, Vysočina, and Olomouc Regions, reaching speeds of up to 90 kilometres per hour in these areas, up to 110 kilometres per hour in the mountains, and up to 70 kilometres per hour elsewhere in the country. Skies will be overcast with a possibility of rain throughout the day. Daytime temperatures should hover between 7 and 10 degrees Celsius.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 02/03/2024

    Large companies in Czechia will have to ensure a more balanced share of men and women in leadership positions if a proposed bill published on the government's website is approved, the Czech News Agency reported on Saturday. According to the draft law, women should make up at least a third of representation in upper management.

    On average, women hold 32.2 percent of leadership positions across the EU, while in Czechia, it is only 21 percent. It ranks 20th out of the 27 EU member states when it comes to representation of women in upper management and has long been criticised for failure to do anything to improve the situation.

    The new regulation is required by last year's EU directive on improving the gender balance among directors of listed companies, and Czechia must adopt it by December 28. According to the accompanying documents on the government's website, the law is being adopted in the most minimal form required for it to still comply with the EU directive and the changes would only affect five companies and banks in the country. However, in their justification for the law, the authors noted that more progress towards gender balance was made in countries where the measures were mandatory and that, according to studies, an increase in the proportion of women in top management positions leads to higher performance, success and competitiveness.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 02/03/2024

    The online application system for Czech secondary schools, the launch of which had already been delayed due to a technical error, was hacked on Saturday afternoon, news site Deník N reported. The DDoS attack started at around 12:35 and continued for about ten minutes, Miroslav Krejčí, the director of the organisation Cermat which is responsible for the system, told the Czech News Agency. However, thanks to automatic protection systems against DDoS attacks, the system itself was not affected, he said. For the first two minutes of the attack, some users had problems logging in or loading the page, but this was due to the cybersecurity measures in place rather than the cyberattack itself, he explained.

    The online application system opened on Friday shortly before midnight after almost 48 hours of delays. Around 4,000 applications had already been submitted by Saturday afternoon.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 02/03/2024

    The Jizerská padesátka, a 50-kilometre-long cross-country ski race held every year in the Jizera Mountains since 1968, will not be taking place next Sunday as planned due to unfavourable weather conditions. The organisers announced their decision to cancel the 57th edition of the event on Facebook, saying that the lack of snow and warm weather made holding the event unfeasible, especially given the even worse weather forecast for next week.

    Thousands of people had registered to participate in the four-day event, which was supposed to start on Thursday and culminate in the main race on Sunday, which is part of the Ski Classics series. Registered competitors will receive up to 70 percent of their entry fee back.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 02/03/2024

    Czechia wants the European Union to look beyond its borders for ammunition supplies for Ukraine, Brussels news site Politico writes, citing diplomatic sources. Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský confirmed this information on Saturday in Brussels, where he is attending an informal meeting of EU ministers, saying that Czechia proposed the idea due to concerns that Ukraine will not have enough ammunition to defend itself against Russia.

    The EU is falling short on its pledge to send 1 million artillery shells to Ukraine by the end of March 2024, having so far delivered only about 330,000. According to Politico, Czechia would like to approach arms companies in non-EU countries such as South Korea, Turkey and South Africa to make up for the shortfall, as EU munitions factories are not able to produce such large quantities of shells fast enough to meet the promised deadline. It is now up to the other EU member states to decide whether they will support the proposal.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 02/03/2024

    Czechia has a huge diplomatic advantage in Africa in that it does not have a dark history of colonialism in any African country, Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský said in Brussels on Saturday at an informal meeting of EU foreign ministers about the EU's relations with Africa. He pointed out that the former Czechoslovakia helped a number of African countries during decolonisation, with many African leaders having studied at universities in Prague or Brno.

    The Czech foreign minister also emphasised that if Europe did not find the right diplomatic tools to act in Africa, then it would not be able to influence developments for the better or help solve problems that lead to migration to Europe, saying that these were "sensitive issues". He added that military coups had taken place in several African countries over the last two years and that Russia was gaining power in Africa at the expense of Europe.

    Outlining what the meeting would be about, Lipavský said that the primary discussion would not be about migration, but about "Europe's overall geostrategic approach". EU relations with Turkey and the situation in Ukraine are also on the agenda.

    Author: Anna Fodor
