• 01/31/2024

    Czechia’s National Cyber and Security Information Agency says it registered a record number of cyber-attacks last year. The state organisation said on its website on Wednesday that it had recorded 262 such attacks in 2023, compared to 146 the previous year.

    The agency said the increase was mainly due to repeated waves of DDoS attacks led by pro-Russian hacking groups.

    Two of last year’s incidents were classified as very significant, which is the organisation’s highest threat level, an official said.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/31/2024

    A special fund set up to help relatives of the victims of a mass shooting at a Prague university in December is already distributing some money to applicants for treatment or psychosocial support, iRozhlas.cz reported on Wednesday. The Charles University Endowment Fund has allocated CZK 13.5 million for that purpose out of a total of over CZK 52 million raised in a public collection, the news site said. A spokesperson said the university had a clear plan of how the entire amount will be distributed following the current “acute phase”, roughly from mid-February.

    Fourteen people died and many were injured when a student at the Faculty of Arts went on a shooting spree on December 21.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/30/2024

    Three people fell from the northern side of Mount Sněžka, on the border of Czechia and Poland, on Tuesday. Two of those involved in the accident died when they slipped on a mountain slope, according to the website of the Polish station TVN24, which cited police on the Polish side of the border.

    Both Polish and Czech rescue services were deployed following the accident.

    The summit of Mt. Sněžka is the highest point in Czechia.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/30/2024

    Czechia’s Office for  the Protection of Competition has confirmed that the takeover of the media group Mafra, radio stations operator Londa and a chemicals company by the Kaprain group from trust funds set up by former prime minister Andrej Babiš can go ahead.

    The anti-trust authority said on social media that a decision to allow the change of hands had come into effect on Monday.

    Mafra includes the newspapers Mladá fronta Dnes and Lidové noviny. It was bought by Mr. Babiš's Agrofert in 2013.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/30/2024

    Police officers escorted a young man carrying a legally held gun away from a university building in Brno on Saturday, a police spokesperson said on Tuesday. The man was acting distracted and agitated in an auditorium holding 200 people during an open day event at the city’s Faculty of Education.

    Doctors must now decide whether he will be allowed to retain his gun license.

    Universities in Czechia have been on greater alert since 14 people died in a shooting incident at Prague’s Charles University in December.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/30/2024

    The Czech economy contracted last year by 0.4 percent, according to a preliminary estimate issued by the Czech Statistics Office on Tuesday. That followed growth in gross domestic product of 2.4 percent in 2022.

    Analysts said last year’s contraction was caused by high inflation. However, data from the fourth quarter of 2023, when there was marginal growth, give hope for a turnaround, they said.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/30/2024

    Prime Minister Petr Fiala of the Civic Democrats says he is glad deputy PM Vít Rakušan of the Mayors has cleared up incorrect statements he made regarding semi-state power company ČEZ.

    At a public meeting in West Bohemia on Monday evening Mr. Rakušan said the government was discussing the buyout of minority shareholders in ČEZ and that he hoped the state would buy back the company. He later said no such steps were taking place.

    Mr. Fiala said on Tuesday that it would be good if the cabinet did not come out with any surprises and that its members should focus on consensus.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/30/2024

    It should be mainly overcast in Czechia on Wednesday, with an average high temperature of 5 degrees Celsius.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/30/2024

    An event intended to help the Faculty of Arts at Prague’s Charles University recover from a mass shooting on December 21 comes to an end on Tuesday.

    The Month for the Faculty is set to conclude with a concert by the Czech Philharmonic at Prague’s Rudolfinum, which is opposite the Faculty of Arts, and the extinguishing of a fire of commemoration in front of the building.

    The Faculty of Arts has given tickets for the concert to those have provided assistance in the wake of the shooting and helped restore normal life there.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/30/2024

    Five schoolchildren from different schools in the Karlovy Vary region ended up in hospital in January after consuming jelly sweets containing HHC, which are legally available on the internet and in vending machines. According to Novinky.cz a number of them ended up in intensive care. It is not clear how much of the sweets they consumed since the symptoms included confusion and partial loss of memory. Products with HHC are sold in various vending machines, for example in hypermarkets, in the form of gelatin cubes, balls or teddy bears of various colors and flavors. They contain the psychoactive compound HHC as a food supplement.
