• 12/04/2022

    Lány chateau, the summer residence of Czech presidents, will open to the public during the upcoming two weekends, the president’s office said on Sunday.

    The early Baroque chateau, located in the middle of the Křivoklát forests in Central Bohemia, was bought by the Czechoslovak state in July 1921.

    Czechoslovakia’s first president Tomás Garrigue Masaryk moved there permanently after his abdication in 1935 and is buried in the local cemetery.

    The chateau, which is looked after by the Prague Castle Administration, is rarely open to the public. Last time people had a chance to see it was in September 2018 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 12/04/2022

    Over the past seven days, 2 171 Ukrainian refugees received temporary protection visas in Czechia, which is 117 fewer than the previous week.

    Since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Czech state has granted a total of 465,058 of these special visas, which allow their holders to access public health insurance, education or the labour market.

    The government this week approved a bill extending the Ukrainian temporary protection visas until the end of March 2024. At present they are valid until the end of March next year.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 12/03/2022

    Some ten thousand people attended the annual re-enactment of the historic Battle of Austerlitz in South Moravia on Saturday afternoon.

    More than 1,000 military buffs from 14 different countries staged the re-enactment of the operation in which Napoleon Bonaparte defeated the Austrian and Russian armies.

    The Battle of Three Emperors took place on December 2, 1805 near the town of Slavkov, better known by its German name, Austerlitz, south of Brno. More than 20,000 men were killed in action.

    The popular event, which is accompanied by craft and food fairs, was attended by French ambassador to Prague ans cadets from the French military academy Saint Cyr.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 12/03/2022

    Sunday will be mostly cloudy with occasional drizzle or rain and day temperatures ranging between 3 and 7 degrees Celsius.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 12/03/2022

    Czech shooter Petr Nymburský has won the men’s 50 meter three-position rifle event at the World Cup final in Cairo on Saturday. The 27-year-old European champion defeated his Swiss opponent Jan Lochbihler 16:14 in the gold medal match in Cairo.

    The Czech team won a complete collection of medals at the President’s Cup in the Egyptian capital. On Friday, Lucie Brázdová won silver in the women’s 10m rifle event, while the Olympic trap champion Jiří Lipták took the bronze.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 12/03/2022

    This year Prague saw one of its warmest autumns in the past 248 years, the Czech Hydro-Meteorological Institute reported on Saturday.

    Between the start of September and end of November, the oldest Czech meteorological station at Prague’s Klementinum recorded an average temperature of 11.5 degrees Celsius, which is 1.7 degrees higher than the long-term average and ranks among the eight percent warmest autumns since records began back in 1775.

    So far the warmest autumn was recorded in 2006 with the average temperature of 13.2 degrees. The coldest autumn was measured in 1786 with an average temperature of 5.8 degrees Celsius.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 12/03/2022

    Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský met with his Slovak and Austrian counterparts Rastislav Káčer and Alexander Schallenberg at an informal meeting in southern Slovakia on Saturday. They discussed, among other things, support for Ukraine, the future of the West Balkans as well as the Czech EU presidency.

    The meeting took place on the sidelines of a conference held at the Chateau Béla in southern Slovakia. Top politicians from Czechia, Austria and Slovakia have been holding these meetings since 2015 as part of closer cooperation between Central European countries.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 12/03/2022

    The city of Prague launched its first regular trolleybus service in half a century on Saturday. The new line is running from Palmovka through Prosek and Letňany to Čakovice-Miškovice. It is the first trolleybus serving the district of Letňany since 1954.

    Trolleybus service was launched in the Czech capital in 1936 and reached its peak in 1959. The last route shut down in October 1972.

    The new trolleybus service is just the first of seven trolleybus lines planned for Prague, including two routes to Václav Havel Airport and another linking Karlovo náměstí and Strahov Stadium.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 12/03/2022

    Two thirds of Czechs are planning to spend less this Christmas than they did last year, suggests a survey carried out by the Ipsos agency in November. Most people cited rising living costs as the reason for cutting back on Christmas expenses.

    A fifth of those canvassed said they will reduce spending on sweets, decorations and Christmas gifts to the bare minimum and almost 90 percent of people plan to buy fewer or the same number of presents as last year.

    The survey also suggests that almost five percent of people are considering borrowing money for presents this year.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 12/02/2022

    An audio-visual installation created by Czech artist Jiří David is currently being set up in the newly opening Václav Havel Street in Luxemburg City, the Czech Embassy in Luxembourg has announced. The three dimensional plexiglass sound wave form of the former Czech president’s famous statement that “Truth and love must prevail over lies and hatred” is being installed into a pole between two walls that have been placed in the street. Passers-by will also have a chance to play the sentence in sound.

    A ceremonial unveiling of the installation is planned to take place on December 13, at 4:30pm, the embassy informed on Facebook, and will be the last planned event to take place in the country on the occasion of the Czech EU presidency. The new street itself is located parallel to Konrad Adenauer Boulevard in the north-eastern part of the city.

    Artist Jiří David is known for creating the neon heart that was installed above Prague Castle towards the end of Václav Havel’s last term as president.
