Audio-visual installation depicting Havel’s famous “truth and love” statement to be unveiled in Luxemburg

An audio-visual installation created by Czech artist Jiří David is currently being set up in the newly opening Václav Havel Street in Luxemburg City, the Czech Embassy in Luxembourg has announced. The three dimensional plexiglass sound wave form of the former Czech president’s famous statement that “Truth and love must prevail over lies and hatred” is being installed into a pole between two walls that have been placed in the street. Passers-by will also have a chance to play the sentence in sound.

A ceremonial unveiling of the installation is planned to take place on December 13, at 4:30pm, the embassy informed on Facebook, and will be the last planned event to take place in the country on the occasion of the Czech EU presidency. The new street itself is located parallel to Konrad Adenauer Boulevard in the north-eastern part of the city.

Artist Jiří David is known for creating the neon heart that was installed above Prague Castle towards the end of Václav Havel’s last term as president.