• 08/03/2023

    The Kyiv Independent, an English-language Ukrainian online newspaper, has published pictures of a Russian drone, the engine of which bears the inscription "Made in Czech Republic". The pictures were taken by a Ukrainian soldier who found the drone near the front at Bakhmut.

    The Czech company that manufactured the engine, AXI Model Motors, has responded by saying that it had never supplied engines for Russian weapons and that it has not been producing this type of engine for at least a year. When asked by the Czech news site Deník N how the engine got to Russia, the company said that it was apparently resold to the country through a third party or company.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 08/02/2023

    The former Vice-President of the International Criminal Court, Robert Fremr, has been approved by the Senate as one of the Czech Constitutional Court's three new judges, receiving 36 out of 67 votes. There had been some controversy surrounding his nomination due to recent allegations that he had issued a guilty verdict in a rigged trial in 1988 involving the Communist secret police.

    Mr Fremr told senators during a three-hour clarification of the case that he did not knowingly break the law. Nevertheless, some senators, including Senate President Miloš Vystrčil and chairman of the Senate Security Committee Pavel Fischer, questioned his moral integrity.

    As a new judge in the Constitutional Court, Mr Fremr will join the Vice-President of the Prague Municipal Court Veronika Křestťanová and civil law professor Kateřina Ronovská. The two women were also approved by the Senate on Wednesday afternoon.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 08/02/2023

    Thursday is expected to be overcast in the morning and early afternoon with some sunshine creeping in towards the later afternoon. There will be a chance of rain throughout the day. Temperatures are predicted to range between 19 and 23 degrees Celsius.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 08/02/2023

    The leaders of the Pirate Party and the Mayors and Independents (STAN) have distanced themselves from an ad that was shared by the Minister for Labour and Social Affairs, Marian Jurečka, on Instagram last week. The ad, which was supposed to promote the planned simplification of the social benefits system, portrayed a Roma man with a can of beer and the inscription "End the abuse of benefits".

    The leader of the Pirates, Ivan Bartoš, called on Mr. Jurečka on Wednesday to keep his promise not to divide society and not to turn people against each other, adding that politics based on pitting some against others could score cheap populist points but harms the country in the long run. STAN leader and Interior Minister Vít Rakušan commented that a simpler benefits system is definitely a good thing but the advertisement was not the right way to go about it.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 08/02/2023

    The title of Righteous Among the Nations was awarded in Prague on Wednesday in memoriam to Bohuslav, Olga and Evženie Čepka, a Volhynian Czech family who hid a Jewish family from the Nazis for ten months during the Second World War, thereby saving their lives. The award was given to the descendants of the Čepka family in the residence of the Israeli ambassador to Czechia, Anna Azaria. The descendants of the rescued Gerstein family, who live in Canada, and the Canadian ambassador were also present.

    The title of Righteous Among the Nations is awarded by the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem to people of non-Jewish origin who helped protect and save Jews from the Holocaust during the Second World War. More than 28,000 people from 51 countries have so far been awarded the title, with 125 of those, including the Čepka family, coming from the Czech Republic or former Czechoslovakia.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 08/02/2023

    The defence treaty with the United States is an agreement between two countries that in no way diminishes the sovereignty of either of them and saves time that is not available in the event of a crisis, President Petr Pavel stated on Twitter on Wednesday regarding the treaty he signed on Tuesday. He added that neighbouring states, including Hungary, which he described as being very proud of its autonomy and sovereignty, had also signed defence agreements with the US. The president furthermore assured the public that any entry of a soldier from a foreign country onto Czech territory would always be subject to the approval of the government and Parliament.

    The Defense Cooperation Agreement sets a legal framework for the possible deployment of US troops on Czech territory in the event of a crisis, dealing with issues from jurisdiction over foreign troops to environmental issues. Criticism during the parliamentary discussion of the treaty came mainly from the opposition SPD party, who said the document is unilaterally beneficial for the United States while Czechia is a subordinate party. Tomio Okamura's party unsuccessfully called for approval of the treaty in a national referendum and for an additional protocol that there would be no American base in the Czech Republic.

    However, the document was overwhelmingly approved by both chambers of the Czech Parliament. In the Senate, 66 out of 72 legislators voted in its favour, while in the Lower House, it was supported by 115 out of 144 MPs. The document is still awaiting the signature of Prime Minister Petr Fiala, who will sign it after returning from vacation.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 08/02/2023

    Of the 4,474 foreign workers that Czech companies submitted work permit applications for this year as part of the government's Qualified Employee Program, 2,191 are still waiting for the Czech authorities to start processing their applications, the Czech News Agency reported on Wednesday. The Czech Chamber of Commerce blames lengthy administrative processes and low immigration quotas for the fact that less than half of this year's applications have been processed so far and many companies have been waiting months for their employees to arrive, in a programme that is meant to accelerate the intake of qualified labour from abroad.

    The Chamber of Commerce warned there is a great danger that many of these applicants will run out of patience and end up going to work in other European countries with a more welcoming attitude and less bureaucracy and that Czechia is losing out in terms of competitiveness and billions in state revenue losses.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 08/02/2023

    The České Budějovice Airport in South Bohemia has launched international operations. The first international flight from the airport leaves on Wednesday evening for Antalya, Turkey.

    Until now, the former military airfield was only used for private international traffic, and was authorised to receive and dispatch medium-sized aircraft.

    Apart from České Budějovice, there are currently five public international airports with regular operations in Czechia, in Prague, Brno, Ostrava, Pardubice and Karlovy Vary.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 08/02/2023

    President Petr Pavel has given his official approval to 14 Czechs citizens seeking to join Ukraine's armed forces. Eight people have had such requests denied, the website iROZHLAS.cz reported on Wednesday.

    According to the website, a total of 146 Czechs have received the approval of the head of state to join the Ukrainians, 132 of whom received it from Pavel's predecessor, Miloš Zeman.

    Under Czech law, joining the army of another state without the president’s permission is considered a crime.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 08/01/2023

    Czechia has completed the ratification of the Czech-American Defence Cooperation Agreement with the United States. The treaty was signed on Tuesday by President Petr Pavel, the Prague Castle said in a press release, adding that the document still needs to be co-signed by Prime Minister Petr Fiala.

    The Defense Cooperation Agreement sets a legal framework for possible deployment of US troops on Czech territory, dealing with issues from jurisdiction over foreign troops to environmental issues or rules for operating vehicles.

    The document had been overwhelmingly approved by both chambers of the Czech Parliament. In the Senate, 66 out of 72 legislators voted in its favor, while in the Lower House, it was supported by 115 out of 144 MPs.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
