• 08/04/2023

    The Czech National Bank has worsened its outlook for Czech economic growth. According to its latest forecast, the GDP will grow by 0.1 percent this year, compared to the previous 0.5 percent growth forecast issued in May. A turn for the better is expected in 2024, when GDP growth should reach 2.3 percent. However, even in this case the central bank revised its forecast downwards compared to May, when it predicted a 3 percent growth in 2024. In 2025 the GDP is expected to grow by 2.7 per cent.

    As expected, the bank board left the key interest rate unchanged at 7 %. The base rate has been at the same level since last June.

  • 08/04/2023

    Czechia has officially joined the G7 declaration on long-term support for Ukraine, the Czech Foreign Ministry announced on its website. The government made the decision on the sidelines of the July North Atlantic Treaty Organization summit in Vilnius. The declaration expresses enduring support for Ukraine as it defends its sovereignty and territorial integrity, rebuilds its economy, protects its citizens, and pursues integration into the Euro-Atlantic community. The G7 countries — and others who want to join — are now working to define the gist of those long-term security commitments with Kyiv.

  • 08/04/2023

    The legendary Czech goalie Dominik Hašek is considering running for the Senate on behalf of the ruling coalition SPOLU (Together) in next year’s elections. According to the news site Seznam.cz Hašek was approached by the TOP 09 coalition party and has said he wants to take a few months to consider the possibility. The Senate elections are scheduled for next autumn. He would probably run for the Prague constituency. Hašek has been actively involved in opposing the participation of Russian and Belarusian athletes in sports events at home and abroad and recently visited Kyiv in a show of support for the Ukrainian people and youths sports organizations.

  • 08/04/2023

    President Petr Pavel has come under fire for violating traffic regulations by riding a motorcycle without a helmet.  CNN Prima News on Thursday showed a video sent in by a viewer who recorded the incident close to the president’s summer residence. The president later apologized on Twitter for having broken the rules, saying that he generally adhered to all safety regulations and had only gone without it on a short journey to a gas station on a side road. He said he would try to make up for the transgression by donating money to help motorcyclists injured in accidents. The police cannot fine him due to presidential immunity.

  • 08/03/2023

    Friday is expected to be partly cloudy to overcast with rain in the southern parts of the country and day temperatures between 19 and 24 degrees Celsius.

  • 08/03/2023

    The Dvůr Králové Safari Park has successfully hatched a chick of the African falcon –a rare bird of prey – for the first time in the zoo’s history. The newly hatched chick weighs just five grams. The African falcon is the smallest bird of prey in Africa, weighing up to 80 grams as an adult. The safari park specialises in African species, and has been very successful in breeding rhinos and giraffes.

  • 08/03/2023

    Prague 1 has reached an agreement with electric scooter operators on allotted parking places for rented scooters. The city council made the move in response to numerous complaints from the public over scooters blocking pavements in the city centre. As of September, scooters will have to be parked in places specially designated for that purpose. According to the councillor for transport Vojtech Ryvola there should be about 140 of these spots, each for a maximum 10 scooters. The Prague 1 city hall also wants to collect a monthly fee from the operators for the service. They include Lime, Bolt, Nextbike and Rekola.

  • 08/03/2023

    The Senate has nominated a record 100 candidates for state honours including six members of the Mašín brothers' anti-communist resistance group, former deputy prime minister Karel Schwarzenberg, dissident singer Marta Kubišová and the London-based architect Eva Jiřičná. Nominees for state honours are proposed to the president by both chambers of Parliament but also members of the broad public. It is then up to the head of state to make a final selection. Awards and high state distinctions are handed out on Czechoslovak Independence Day, October 28 and on January 1.

  • 08/03/2023

    The Senate has approved a bill barring top officials from owning media outlets. The legislation tightens the existing conflict of interest law under which politicians were able to transfer media assets to a close person or a trust fund during their time in office. This will no longer be possible and there will be higher fines for violations. NGOs have criticized the fact that the ban does not apply to online media.

  • 08/03/2023

    The anti-government, "anti-system" movement overshadowed traditional xenophobic populist groups in the first six months of this year, the Ministry of the Interior wrote in its biannual report on extremism in Czechia. The viewpoints of this subsection of Czech society have been deeply influenced by the long-standing undermining of democracy by Russia, the report states. Compared to similar groups that were operating before the covid-19 pandemic, the current movement is more active and most of its members are over 40 years old.

    Author: Anna Fodor
