Czechia one of 12 countries to call on EU to remove measures against Kosovo

Twelve European countries, including Czechia, have called on the EU to end its temporary political and economic measures against Kosovo, which include the suspension of high-level visits, events, and financial cooperation, news site Politico reports. In a letter addressed to the EU’s top diplomat Josep Borrell and the special representative to the Western Balkans, officials wrote that the international community should reaffirm support for Kosovo’s sovereignty, and pointed to questions about Serbia’s role in the recent months of violence.

Elections were held in North Kosovo, where more than 90 percent of the population are ethnic Serbs, in April, but were boycotted by the Serbian population, resulting in wins for ethnic Albanian mayors. Months of violence followed, including attacks by Serbs on international peacekeeping forces, police and the media.

Author: Anna Fodor