• 01/23/2024

    In a resolution passed on Tuesday afternoon, the lower house of the Czech parliament limited the speaking time of MPs to no more than two speeches of ten minutes each in the debate over introducing postal voting for Czechs living abroad.

    The debate over postal voting was adjourned on Friday night after three days of filibustering by the opposition ANO and Freedom and Direct Democracy parties, which are vehemently against the bill on the grounds that it can be abused, and have said they will obstruct its passage through parliament for as long as possible. The ruling coalition wants the bill approved in time for the 2025 general elections.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 01/23/2024

    On a two-day official visit to the Plzeň region, Czech President Petr Pavel and his wife Eva visited the famous Pilsner Urquell brewery, where, according to the Czech News Agency, he took a great interest in the sustainable elements of the brewery's beer production, such as solar panels on the roof and the reuse of rainwater after purification. After visiting the brewery, the president and his wife went to visit Líně airport and the town of Tachov in the afternoon.

    At a press conference during his visit to the region on Tuesday, President Pavel said that the problem that differentiates the Plzeň region from other parts of Czechia is the large number of people who go to work in Germany from the region, and vice versa from other countries to the region.

    The couple will end their visit to the region on Wednesday.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 01/23/2024

    A Czech citizen has died on the Yemeni island of Socotra, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Daniel Drake told the Czech News Agency on Tuesday. The ministry has chosen not to release details about the individual in question or the cause of death out of respect for the victim's family. However, the vice-chairman of the Association of Czech Travel Agencies, Jan Papež, said that the cause of death was not related to the current conflict.

    In recent days, American and British military forces have conducted joint air strikes against Houthi rebels in Yemen, who have been attacking international cargo ships linked to Israel and the West since last autumn, in response to Israel's war on the Gaza Strip and these countries' support of the Israeli government. The Houthi rebels, who control much of Yemen, including the capital Sanaa, say they are determined for the attacks to continue as long as the war in Gaza continues.

    The Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a travel warning in early January, describing Yemen, including the island of Socotra, as "significantly risky" and urging Czech citizens to leave the area. The Association of Czech Travel Agencies asked the ministry last week to reconsider its warning regarding trips to Socotra. However, the office retained its recommendation after consultating with the Czech embassy in Riyadh.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 01/23/2024

    National anti-drug coordinator Jindřich Vobořil warned in a press release on Tuesday of new sweets and confectionary products which contain psychoactive substances being marketed to children. Mr. Vobořil said that offering and marketing these products to minors was highly unethical and urged manufacturers and sellers of products containing HHC to review their practices and withdraw these products from the market. He warned that if they did not comply, the state would have to react much more forcefully.

    Products containing the new semi-synthetic cannabinoid substance HHC, which has effects comparable to THC, the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, are currently being offered for sale without any quality standards or regulation on who they can be sold to, as the new Psychomodulating Substances Act, which plans to regulate such matters, has not yet been passed. It is currently in its second reading in the lower house.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 01/23/2024

    The 26th annual dog sled race called Šediváčkův Long gets underway in the town of Deštné in the northeast of the country on Tuesday afternoon.

    Over 100 mushers from different countries with some 700 dogs are competing in the race which is considered one of the toughest on the European continent.

    The participants can choose between 200-kilometre and 300-kilometre long tracks in deep snow and freezing conditions in the Orlické hory mountains which they have to cover in just five days. Competitors also have to spend one night sleeping out in the snow.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 01/23/2024

    A debate on introducing postal voting for Czechs abroad resumed in the Chamber of Deputies on Tuesday. The debate was adjourned on Friday night after three days of filibustering by opposition parties.

    ANO and the Freedom and Direct Democracy Party are vehemently against the bill on the grounds that it can be abused and have said they will obstruct its passage through parliament for as long as possible.

    The ruling coalition, which wants the bill approved in time for the 2025 general elections, has enough votes to push it through. Czechia is one of the few states in the EU that do not allow postal voting.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 01/22/2024

    Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský attended a meeting of EU foreign ministers at the NATO headquarters in Brussels on Monday, chaired by the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

    The head of Czech diplomacy also met with Mr. Stoltenberg to discuss the planned informal meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Prague in May and preparations for the NATO summit in Washington in July, Mr. Lipavský wrote on X.

    The informal meeting, due to be held at the end of May, will be the biggest alliance event for Prague since the NATO summit in 2002. So far, the bloc has held two similar events, in 2022 in Berlin and in 2023 in Oslo.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 01/22/2024

    France has asked the Czech Fire and Rescue Service, which has been helping in the north of the country following devastating floods in early January, to extend their assistance due to expected rainfall in the area.

    A total of 18 professional Czech firefighters have been operating in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais area since January 4, using specialised equipment, including two large-capacity pumps.

    The exact date of the Czech team's return to Czechia will be decided this week, firefighters' spokesman Jiří Fröhlich told the Czech News Agency on Monday.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 01/22/2024

    Tuesday will be mostly cloudy with occasional rain or snow showers and day temperatures ranging between 3 and 7 degrees Celsius.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 01/22/2024

    Petr Kapoun, head of the space company TRL Space, has been included on the list of 40 young European leaders for 2024, put together by the Brussels-based think tank Friends of Europe.

    According to the press release, Mr. Kapoun is a Czech space enthusiast, who founded TRL Space with the aim of strengthening the country’s space industry. He also established the Brno space cluster and heads the space section of the Aerospace Industry Association.

    The non-profit organisation selects from candidates aged 30 to 40 from different European countries who have made a significant impact in their fields. Other personalities on the list include a winemaker, an Olympic swimmer and an award-winning Romani actress.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
