• 01/24/2024

    The Czech Constitutional Court on Wednesday rejected a legal challenge to the government’s pension reforms made by ANO. The opposition leaders had argued that a reduction in the index-linking of state old-age pensions represented a breach of the rights of the elderly.

    The government amended the Pensions Act last year, at a time of high inflation, as part of an austerity programme.

    ANO had also accused the government of abusing a system of fast-tracking legislation in connection with the bill.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/24/2024

    President Petr Pavel has indicated he will not run for a second term as head of state, the news site Novinky.cz reported. At a public debate in the Plzeň Region on Tuesday evening he said that one five-year term, if one carried it out to the full, would suffice.

    Mr. Pavel said that one pre-election campaign had been more than enough and he did not have much appetite to undergo another. The 62-year-old said that he had come across a comment that, at international level, high politics had become a “geriatric park”, adding that room should be made for young blood.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/24/2024

    The Czech government’s economic council, known by the acronym NERV, says it will cost over CZK 3 trillion by 2050 for the country to switch to a green economy. At the same time, most sectors of the Czech economy will have to undergo fundamental change, the experts said in a document studying growth measures.

    NERV said the move to green policies would help make the economy more stable and resilient. It said, however, that individual ministries were lacking in terms of strategy, leading to a decline in Czechia’s competitiveness.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/24/2024

    Linda Nosková has been knocked out in the quarter-finals of tennis’s Australian Open. The Czech, who is 19, lost 3-6 4-6 to the Ukrainian qualifier Dayana Yastremska in one hour and 20 minutes on Wednesday.

    Nosková had earlier caused a sensation by knocking world number one Iga Swiatek out in the third round, and it was the deepest run into a Grand Slam tournament of her career to date.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/24/2024

    It should be mainly overcast in Czechia on Thursday, with an average high temperature of 6 degrees Celsius. Similar weather is expected on the following days.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/24/2024

    Czechia has welcomed the Turkish parliament’s approval of Sweden joining NATO. The foreign minister, Jan Lipavský, said on Wednesday that Czechia also counted on Hungary honouring its repeated pledge not to be the last to ratify Sweden’s accession to the military alliance.

    Mr. Lipavský said that his country hoped that the ratification process can be finished soon as it would substantially strengthen NATO and contribute to overall European security.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/24/2024

    A team of scientists from Masaryk University in Brno set off on an expedition to Antarctica on Wednesday morning. The group of 16 people is heading to the Johann Gregor Mendel station on James Ross Island, where they will spend two months engaging in research, testing new instruments and equipment, as well as shooting a documentary about Czech research in the Antarctic. Czech scientists have been monitoring signs of climate change in the outer edges of Antarctica for the past 20 years, the head of the Czech Antarctic Research Program, Daniel Nývlt, said before their departure.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 01/24/2024

    The discussion in the lower house about allowing postal voting for Czechs living abroad continued on Wednesday at 9 am for the fifth day. The previous day's parliamentary session was once again adjourned after midnight following an almost 12-hour debate, plus three hours of breaks. The debate has so far taken up approximately 43.5 hours of parliamentary time, not including breaks.

    The postal vote bill faces fierce resistance from the opposition ANO and Freedom and Direct Democracy parties, who have said they will obstruct its passage through parliament for as long as possible. The ruling government coalition wants it approved in time for the 2025 general elections.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 01/23/2024

    Several dozen Czech experts from the fields of law, medicine, and psychology have publicly called for the tightening of legislation surrounding the possession of firearms. In an online petition with the title "Nesmí se to opakovat" (It must not happen again), the signatories call not only for a fundamental reduction in the number of legally held weapons, but also for the simplification of the rules governing the permanent withdrawal of a firearms license. Several hundred other Czech citizens have also added their signatures since the petition was published on the website www.petice.com on Monday.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 01/23/2024

    Wednesday is expected to be overcast and rainy with high winds. Daytime temperatures should range between 6 and 10 degrees Celsius.

    Author: Anna Fodor
