Czech citizen dies in Yemen

A Czech citizen has died on the Yemeni island of Socotra, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Daniel Drake told the Czech News Agency on Tuesday. The ministry has chosen not to release details about the individual in question or the cause of death out of respect for the victim's family. However, the vice-chairman of the Association of Czech Travel Agencies, Jan Papež, said that the cause of death was not related to the current conflict.

In recent days, American and British military forces have conducted joint air strikes against Houthi rebels in Yemen, who have been attacking international cargo ships linked to Israel and the West since last autumn, in response to Israel's war on the Gaza Strip and these countries' support of the Israeli government. The Houthi rebels, who control much of Yemen, including the capital Sanaa, say they are determined for the attacks to continue as long as the war in Gaza continues.

The Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a travel warning in early January, describing Yemen, including the island of Socotra, as "significantly risky" and urging Czech citizens to leave the area. The Association of Czech Travel Agencies asked the ministry last week to reconsider its warning regarding trips to Socotra. However, the office retained its recommendation after consultating with the Czech embassy in Riyadh.

Author: Anna Fodor