• 02/21/2024

    The first Czech tennis player to win in Wednesday's round of 16 in Dubai is Markéta Vondroušová. She beat the Russian Ljudmila Samsonova 6:2 6:2 in the third round of the WTA tournament in the United Arab Emirates. The 24-year-old will now face either the Romanian Sorana Cirstea or the Croatian Donna Vekic in the quarterfinals.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 02/21/2024

    Czechia does not adequately protect its old-growth forests, the environmental organisation Greenpeace said on Wednesday. According to the organisation, the Czech Republic is violating the EU Natura 2000 Directive by failing to adequately protect its forests in the Natura 2000 network of sites of European importance.

    The organisation has long drawn attention to the Czech authorities' misconduct in approving forest management plans that allow logging in the eastern Ore Mountains and has previously complained about this to the ombudsman, for example.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 02/20/2024

    Groundwater levels in Czechia are at their highest since 2015, the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute reported on social media site X on Tuesday. Some underground wells and reservoirs that have been empty for several years now have water in them once again, wrote hydrologist Martin Zrzavecký from the institute.

    Czechia has been suffering from long-term drought for many years, but the last two weeks have seen a lot of precipitation in the country, as well as snowmelt in the mountains due to the warmer temperatures.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 02/20/2024

    In response to the arrest of ten regional hospital managers on Monday, the Ministry for Regional Development (MMR) has cut European funding for the hospitals in question, which include health facilities in Ústí nad Labem and Jihlava, Seznam Zprávy reported on Tuesday. This amounts to CZK 959 million in lost funding from European subsidies.

    The European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO) said on Monday that the detained heads of the hospitals had been arrested on charges of corruption as they were suspected of being part of an organised criminal group that was taking bribes for the allocation of public contracts for purchasing medical supplies.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 02/20/2024

    Wednesday will continue to be overcast with a chance of showers in the morning and early afternoon. Daytime temperatures should range between 5 and 10 degrees Celsius.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 02/20/2024

    Officials from Prague's environmental protection department have rejected plans to build a cable car from Podbaba to Bohnice via Troja, saying it would cause "non-negligible and irreversible changes" to the character of the landscape. While acknowledging that the construction of the cable car would have only a minimal effect on the air, climate, soil, water, and natural resources in the area, they write in their justification that the plan is unacceptable in terms of its effects on the landscape and would reduce the overall value of the territory.

    The winning design for the new cable car was announced in 2022 and construction was supposed to begin this year, but approval from the environmental protection department is needed in order for that to happen. The cable car was supposed to provide a direct connection between Prague 6 and 8. According to earlier estimates, construction was projected to cost around CZK 2 billion.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 02/20/2024

    Both Defence Minister Jana Černochová and the head of the Czech army, Karel Řehka, emphasised the importance of Czechia fulfilling its NATO obligations and continuing to support Ukraine in their speeches at the annual meeting of Czechia's top military brass, known as the Command Assembly, on Tuesday.

    Chief of the Army General Staff Karel Řehka noted that membership in NATO did not negate Czechia's responsibility to build a strong army, and said that although 600 new professional soldiers were recruited last year, the army still needs to step up its recruitment.

    Defence Minister Jana Černochová similarly spoke of the obligations and responsibilities that NATO membership brings and said Czechia must actively try to fulfil these and not just be a freeloader reaping the benefits. She also said that Czechs must continue to support Ukraine and that Czechia was not giving up on the search for other ways it could support the country.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 02/20/2024

    Around three-fifths of economically active Ukrainian refugees in Czechia are working in jobs below their qualification level, the government’s commissioner for human rights, Klára Šimáčková Laurenčíková, said at a press conference on Tuesday. She spoke of the need to improve Czech language education for refugees and to make the process of getting Ukrainian qualifications recognised easier.

    Currently, more than 380,000 refugees from Ukraine have temporary protection in Czechia. The commissioner estimated that around 120,000 of these are economically active, with 61 percent working in jobs they are overqualified for.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 02/20/2024

    Had elections taken place in January, Andrej Babiš's ANO party would have won with 31.5 percent of the vote, according to the latest Median poll. The Pirate Party would have come in second with 13 percent, narrowly beating Prime Minister Petr Fiala's Civic Democrats (ODS) party at 12 percent.

    Six political parties would have received enough votes to reach the minimum 5 percent threshold required to gain seats in parliament; other than the top three parties already mentioned these would have been Tomio Okamura's SPD party with 10.5 percent, the Mayors and Independents with 7 percent, and government coalition partners TOP 09 with 5.5 percent.

    According to Median's analysis, the Pirates overtaking ODS to come in second is probably due to their popularity among first-time voters in combination with an overall lower voter turnout, which mainly negatively impacts the Together coalition of ODS, the Christian Democrats and TOP 09.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 02/20/2024

    The European Commission (EC) has preliminarily approved Czechia's second payment request for 702 million euros from the National Recovery Plan, aimed at mitigating the impacts of the COVID-19 epidemic and the economic crisis, the EC said in a press release. The funding is to be spent on building high-capacity internet networks, reforestation, railways, digitisation, and oncology, among other things. Three EC advisory committees still have to assess the request before the money can be paid out, which is expected to happen in early April.

    Czechia can draw money from the National Recovery Plan in nine payments. The EC approved the first payment in February last year.

    Author: Anna Fodor
