Environmental protection department rejects plans for Prague cable car

Officials from Prague's environmental protection department have rejected plans to build a cable car from Podbaba to Bohnice via Troja, saying it would cause "non-negligible and irreversible changes" to the character of the landscape. While acknowledging that the construction of the cable car would have only a minimal effect on the air, climate, soil, water, and natural resources in the area, they write in their justification that the plan is unacceptable in terms of its effects on the landscape and would reduce the overall value of the territory.

The winning design for the new cable car was announced in 2022 and construction was supposed to begin this year, but approval from the environmental protection department is needed in order for that to happen. The cable car was supposed to provide a direct connection between Prague 6 and 8. According to earlier estimates, construction was projected to cost around CZK 2 billion.

Author: Anna Fodor