
Cabrada arrested in France

The French police have arrested Roman Cabrada, a convicted murderer who escaped from a high security Czech prison five weeks ago. He was arrested in Nice early on Wednesday on an international arrest warrant. Cabrada escaped from the Plzen-Bory prison house together with another convict, Rostislav Roztocil, who was arrested in Germany several days later. The case has triggered a debate on security in Czech prisons.

Huyandai may be offered Nosovice site

There is reported to have been a breakthrough in talks with landowners in the Nosovice region in Moravia-Silesia, opening the way for a deal with the Hyundai car manufacturer who favours this particular site for the construction of a new plant. The governor of the region Evzen Tosenovsky ran into serious problems persuading some of the landowners to sell. After announcing that he would halt preparations for the industrial zone if a deal was not reached by Friday, the negotiations are said to have gained new impetus. Hyundai's decision on the location of the new plant is expected by the end of the year.

Britain tables new budget proposal

Britain, the current EU president leading the budget talks on Wednesday tabled a new proposal, offering to restore some aid to the EU newcomers. Observers say however that the proposed 2.6 billion euro budget increase is unlikely to placate the newcomers who feel hard-done-by the steep budget cuts. Poland and Hungary have led dissent to the proposal, threatening to veto Britain's proposal unless aid funds are distributed in line with the EU solidarity principle.

Czech field hospital to remain in Pakistan

Parliament has extended by another four months the mission of the Czech field hospital in Pakistan sent out to help earthquake victims. The thirty member team of doctors and nurses are to continue providing medical care until April 30th of next year. The Czech government has earmarked over 100 million crowns for humanitarian aid to the region.

Slovaks get lower jail sentences

The Supreme Court has lowered the sentences of two Slovaks who attempted to sell three kilograms of radioactive uranium in a hotel in Brno last year. They were arrested in the act of handing it over and the Brno regional court sentenced them to eight and ten years in prison respectively. The Supreme Court has lowered those sentences by two years on the grounds of a report by experts who testified that the uranium was low quality and the given amount would not have sufficed to make a bomb.


Thursday is expected to be cloudy to overcast with scattered showers and day temperatures between 1 and 5 degrees Celsius.