Mayors join forces in their fight against prostitution

The citizens of many Czech border towns are forced to cope with blatant prostitution and their city administrations seem to have very little power to combat it. Dita Asiedu has more:

To call for government support and legislation to back them up, 30 mayors got together on Wednesday to discuss the situation. Teplice is one such town where the oldest profession is very prevalent--not only because of activity on the town's streets but also due to the large number of orphans which have been abandoned by their mothers and unknown fathers. Mr. Jaroslav Kubera, the mayor of Teplice, is a firm believer that the government should take a firmer stance over the issue: The respective mayors claim that they are doing everything in their power to combat prostitution, but all agree that they will achieve little without a law to tackle the situation. The mayor of Cheb, Mr. Vaclav Jakl, noted that his town has used measures such as video surveillance to monitor the most affected areas. City officials deal with minor offenders by patrolling the streets at night, and they have adopted a local regulation which defines all acts associated with prostitution as an offence.