

This week in Mailbox: The Terezin International Music Center, a technical problem in Sirius satellite transmission on October 8. Listeners quoted: Marcelo Rogozinski, Brazil; Jay Ham, USA; Hans Hildebrand, USA.

Hello, it's time again to read from your e-mails and respond to your questions and comments. Welcome to Mailbox.

From Brazil, Marcelo Rogozinski sent us this query:

"Would you be so kind to inform me of the website or e-mail address of the Terezin International Music Center? Thanks in advance."

The Terezin International Music Centre was launched in April this year, in Terezin, north of Prague, a former military fortress and garrison town which the Nazis turned into a concentration camp during WWII. After the war, the town again housed a military garrison for many years. The army finally left it some ten years ago leaving behind many empty buildings, and the pullout had a negative impact on the local economy. Various projects have been considered to turn Terezin into a vibrant modern town. The non-profit Terezin International Music Centre project is meant to bring together young people from around the world with a special emphasis on music but also involving the theatre and visual arts. The website of the organisation is to be found at

From the United States, Jay Ham has sent in this:

"Hey, last night the 8th on the 10 pm (EST) show aired on WRN via Sirius satellite, your broadcast went out in the middle of the last segment. Twenty minutes into the broadcast it became dead air for 30 seconds or so and then music came on for 3 minutes, only for Radio Prague to return but with the show from 3rd October (the story on Pisek to be exact)... So anyway I figure it is WRN's fault but I just wanted to let you know."

I forwarded the e-mail to our shortwave transmission expert Oldrich Cip. He explained to me this was a technical fault involving the programme feed of Radio Prague from the WRN headquarters in London to the Sirius satellite. He is in touch with the WRN staff, and will draw their attention to it. Thank you for letting us know.

Hans Hildebrand is writing from New Hamsphire:

"Hello everyone! I was listening to your broadcast tonight on 6200 on shortwave and I have decided to learn more about the Czech Republic. This means I will be tuning in often! Your website is excellent and has loads of information - one of the best radio sites I have ever seen. I talk to the Czech Republic often via radiotelegraph as I am a ham radio operator. Best wishes to all of you at Radio Prague and keep up the good work!"

Thank you for letting us know that you are out there. It is great to know that we have new listeners joining us.

Please do let us know where and how you are tuning in to Radio Prague or if you just read our website, and of course, what you think about our programmes, what you think may be missing in them and what you would like to hear about.

I'm afraid, we are running out of time so let me repeat our October competition question.

Our mystery man was born in Prague on October 5th, 1781. He was a learned man, a Catholic priest but also a mathematician, theologian, philosopher and logician. As a lecturer at Prague University he was known for his antimilitaristic views. His views were seen as too liberal by the authorities and he was dismissed from the university and exiled to the countryside. His works had not been fully published until the middle of the 20th century.

Please send us your suggestions by October 31st and you can add a few details about the mystery man if you like. The address for your letters and reception reports is: [email protected] or Radio Prague, 12099, Prague. Thanks for listening and bye-bye.