Highly popular South Bohemian governor: My success in the elections cannot be ascribed to the Civic Democrats

Martin Kuba, the highly popular governor of South Bohemia, who secured the Civic Democratic Party’s victory in the region, has stressed that his victory cannot be ascribed to party politics and criticized the Civic Democrats’  "anti-Babiš" strategy in campaigning. In an interview for Novinky.cz, the South Bohemian governor indirectly criticized Prime Minister Petr Fiala’s leadership of the party, saying that the Civic Democrats could not present as a success the fact that they could by-pass the winner of the elections in some regions and arguing that the party’s "anti-Babiš" strategy in the elections lacked content. “We built our campaign around what South Bohemians are interested in and we got votes from people who would never vote for the Civic Democrats” Kuba said. He said that politics should not be done "against" something, but "for" something. Commentators suggest that Kuba is a serious rival for party leader Petr Fiala.