Czechast with Madeleine Albright. And a little bit of Anne Applebaum, too.

Madeleine Albright

Madeleine Albright's life story is a truly remarkable journey through history, shaped by her experiences during tumultuous times in Europe and the United States.

"I wouldn’t be who I am without those roots in Czechoslovakia," she remarked in one of the interviews I recorded with her, acknowledging how the events in her homeland influenced her work in American foreign policy. These early challenges, combined with her dedication to education and public service, led her to become the first female Secretary of State in U.S. history.

Madeleine Albright | Photo: Madeleine Albrightová,  Pražská zima/Argo

In her memoir "Prague Winter," Albright delves into her childhood memories, many of which were shaped by the war and its aftermath. She vividly recalled the London bombings, saying, "Every night we went to the shelter, it was crowded, and I wasn’t scared. Maybe now, when people talk about it, I think I should have been afraid, but back then, I wasn’t."

Her family’s Jewish origins were a revelation that came much later in her life. It was only in 1997, as she was preparing for her role as Secretary of State, that she learned her grandparents had perished in the Holocaust. "I was devastated," she said, but she remained committed to honoring her past and advocating for human rights globally.

Madeleine Albright | Photo: Tomáš Adamec,  Czech Radio

Reflecting on her legacy, she said, “I’m really happy that I was able to do something for this country, which welcomed us when the communists took over Czechoslovakia.” Her life remains a testament to resilience, diplomacy, and the enduring ties between her Czech heritage and American identity.

This episode of Czechast brings substantial passages of interviews with Madeleine Albright, a very remarkable women with both Czech and American identities.

Author: Vít Pohanka
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