Czech train waiting to pick up refugees on Polish-Ukrainian border

One of the two Czech trains that carried Ukrainians wanting to return home on Friday is on its way back with a number of Ukrainian families seeking refuge in the Czech Republic. The other is still waiting to pick up refugees on the Polish-Ukrainian border. The situation is complicated by the fact that Ukrainians fleeing the country have a problem getting to the border and long lines of cars have formed on all the roads out of the country. Many Ukrainian families living in the Czech Republic are driving to the border to pick up their families there.

The Czech government has announced that the country is willing to help thousands of Ukrainian refugees as well as to treat injured civilians and soldiers. Prague is expecting to take in up to 5,000 refugees in the first wave and accommodation is being readied in hotels and private facilities. The mayor of Prague said on Friday that in the event of overwhelming interest the city would open Strahov Stadium for this purpose.

Czech Railways and bus operators have boosted links to the Slovak and Polish border, with several buses a day leaving for Ukraine.